Flaviusx -> RE: Razing the Reich (No Pelton) (8/17/2012 5:37:50 PM)
Don't bother to evacuate until turn 3. It's perfectly fine to spend all your cap on troop transfers on turn 2, and get your reserve armies in place. (With whatever is left over from that, I get out some stuff from Leningrad.) Furthermore, none of those places you evacuated are essential. I actually write all of them off, although I'm tempted to rail out the 4 HI from Kiev on turn 3 now just to give myself a bit of a cushion, and while rail cap is still very high. You really don't need all those dinky ARM factories west of the Dnepr at all. Especially against Pelton, who still looks for opportunities to lock down factories, it's better to work further in the rear and deny him juicy targets. He's not as much of a factory raider now as he used to be, but if you're to slow to get out stuff, he'll chain his way right there in no time at all. I'm interested to see how he approaches Leningrad. Direct or right hook? I think he'll go for the right hook. He's got more mech up there than necessary for the direct approach.