RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/21/2016 4:45:47 PM)


Very busy turn, though most of it continues to be behind the curtain. Things are about to become more visible, however, as the reinforcing invasion of Gove gets underway, a general advance of units in Burma is commencing, and Fun House is about five weeks from D-Day (and will enter enemy waters well before that).


cwemyss -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/22/2016 2:25:20 PM)

Wait.... I'm at the end? What am I going to read now? :-)

I've had your two AARs open on tabs on my phone for about three months. It wasn't until I saw a comment about Rogue One (in John's thread) that I realized I was "catching up to live TV."

Great AARs, it's been fascinating to read both sides, see the strategies develop, and so on. And I'm blown away by the personal side both of you have shared.

I'd been considering the game, and reading these two threads pushed me over the ledge. Thank you both for the time you've put into letting readers in on your game and your lives.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/22/2016 2:31:34 PM)

Thanks for reading, cwemyss. I'm really glad you find the AARs entertaining. I think that'll continue pretty far into the future, as the Allies are about to start rolling forward again.

John and I have been gaming against each other since UV days and have a lot in common. We are pretty competitive with each other, sometimes get our panties wadded up over certain issues (picket ships, etc.) want to throttle the other in the game. But when we put the game aside, we're almost like brothers. Some day, I'm going to surprise John by showing up at his Subway restaurant. I predict that we'll burst into laughter and need hours to describe all that we've experienced together in and out of the game.

If AE is your kind of game (complicated, long-term investment, challenging), you'll love PBEM above everything else and you'll develop friendships much like this. Have fun! Enjoy the ride!

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/22/2016 6:37:07 PM)


DEI: Three USN DDs, a squadron of SBDs, and a USN sub did a good job of handling the enemy merchants at Talaud, sinking upwards of 10 total. None seemed to have troops. Similarly, John has merchants at Loewoek (Celebes) and Tangiapoe. USN DDs will visit the former tomorrow and the latter the day after.

These are John's first efforts at committing shipping in the northern Big Tent area in months. I may, or may not, have future plans in these areas, depending on how things shake out, but I wanted to prevent "freebies" and encourage caution on his part.

Third Ring: The Allied amphibious force departed Normanton en route to Gove for the reinforcing invasion. D-Day two or three turns away. I don't anticipate much trouble unless John commits KB, which I think is possible but unlikely.

Fun House: The behind-the-scenes activity continues with good progress made. SigInt continues to show that John is focusing on Java, the Philippines, and probably adjacent areas. There are still lots of holes in his defenses, I think.

There are really four likely vectors of attack: Java and southern Borneo, northern Borneo and the Philippines, Taiwan and/or Formosa, and NoPac. I'm sure John is giving thought and attention to each of these. I'm trying to spread around assets in such a way as to give disinformation. Reconnaissance here, ships there, buildups here, seeming voids there. There's not much room for decoying and misdirection now, but every unit misplaced is a small victory.

Burma: A good day for the Allied air force closing down Meiktila. More movement dots on John's ground units. There's no sign yet of a general withdrawal, but I don't think he can delay unless he commits his air force here. He hasn't yet, probably preferring to keep it in the DEI.

In fact, John hasn't committed his air force recently. He's probably conserving and getting ready for the next big Death Star advance.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/22/2016 10:44:16 PM)

Most of my posts deal with operational and tactical events with hints at strategic planning. This post will delve more deeply into endgame strategy, as we’re on the cusp of another major Allied offensive.

The Allies have grown powerful and can (seemingly) go where they want to. To a newbie it may seem that the war is winding down and that there’s little that John can do about it now. But AE Veterans know that's not the case. The Empire remains powerful, though the nature of the war has shifted. The player who better grasps this metamorphosis will have an advantage going forward.

There are three primary objectives in the game: (1) attrition the Japanese navy, (2) take the airfields necessary to wage strategic war against the Home Islands, and (3) restrict and eventually deny Japan access to oil and resources in the DEI. Those aren’t listed in order of priority, though I think (1) is the most important because it facilitates (2) and (3). As for (3), it the hardest to objectively measure during the course of the war; there’s a lot of guesswork in estimating how much oil Japan has stored away – or how short she is.

(1) Attritioning the Japanese Navy: The Allies have made notable progress towards the first objective. I’ve had most of my navy and hundreds of my best transports in the DEI, surrounded by enemy bases and sea lanes, for four months. This is the perfect terrain for knife fights at close range. Enemy cruisers and destroyers should be nipping at my TFs, picking off cripples, slowing everything down, and occasionally striking hard. Instead, John hasn’t committed a combat ship to the DEI in three months. In a place that should have been a meat grinder for one-third of a year, I’ve lost one CLAA, nine DDs, one APA and two AKA. (Imagine how many reinforcements have arrived on map during those four months!) John's lost so many ships that he decided he couldn't afford to commit any more to a contest that involved his heartland.

Even though John essentially withdrew his navy in December, he’s still suffered pretty heavy losses (many occurring before his withdrawal and therefore partly responsible for it). I know he’s lost a CVL, two BBs, and roughly a dozen DDs. One CV was badly damaged and another modestly, three other BBs had to go to shipyards, and several CLs were hit pretty hard.

He's been conserving his navy for three months. It's had time to recover and receive replacements. It’s strong again and a force to reckon with. I think he’ll commit it en masse against Death Star during the upcoming operation. But unless things are incredibly one-sided in his favor, any losses he suffers will be felt. And if the battles are standoffs or favor the Allies, Japan’s decline should accelerate.

(2 and 3) Taking Airfields for Strategic Bombing and Denying Access to the DEI: I’m on track to begin taking bases for strategic bombing purposes and to close his oil producing bases or limit his access to them. Hokkaido, Korea, China, Okinawa, Formosa, the Philippines, and the Marianas are the prime possibilities for strategic bombing. Java and Borneo would be best for oil interdiction.

I’ve already identified the objectives as far into the future as the autumn months. He probably has hunches of his own, but the SigInt I'm seeing indicate that he remains unsure. He's dispersing his units, which is what I wanted to see.

It took him a long time to adjust to the fact that the war had changed. I think he spent to much time planning for an ambush of Death Star in the Coral Sea and moving troops forward to places like Gove. For the past month, he’s shown signs that he’s shifted his thinking. I see evidence that he’s attending to bases in the areas that he should be defending now. But there are too many bases and not enough time for him to cover everything. If properly planned and executed, Fun House should succeed in taking the prime real estate needed to further objectives (2) and/or (3).

Barring a mistake on my part, John probably can’t hope to retake the initiative or completely stop the Allies from advancing. Does he understand that each operation - even if successful - takes a lot of time for preparation, logistics, and implementation? Can he make a three-month operation drag out for four or five months? If so, those are victories for him.

His best hope isn’t to stop Fun House or future major operations, but he should be configuring his defenses to slow things down, striking at the edges, making it as costly as possible (to that end, raids further out against my LOCs might be effective; and that's why I'm carefully watching him sniff my SoPac LOC).

We’ve already seen in the game that his fighters pack some punch against my 4EB. AE Reluctant Admiral isn’t Tokyo Fire Bombing Circa 1945. If John slows me down, he has a chance to make strategic bombing missions so costly that it becomes relatively inefficient.

I think I’ve done pretty well in the game to date; I think Sumatra paid off handsomely and was worth it; I think the 1943 campaigns were successful beyond my wildest dreams; and I’m looking forward to what comes next. In the end, I think which of us best understands how the game is changing will win.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 1:18:24 AM)


Third Ring: D-Day for the reinforcing invasion of Gove takes place tomorrow. If all goes well, a general attack will take place the day after. Allied bombardment TFs and carrier strike aircraft will hit the base. I think it will fall unless John commits KB and forces me to divert my attention from the base temporarily.


cwemyss -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 3:47:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Thanks for reading, cwemyss. I'm really glad you find the AARs entertaining. I think that'll continue pretty far into the future, as the Allies are about to start rolling forward again.

John and I have been gaming against each other since UV days and have a lot in common. We are pretty competitive with each other, sometimes get our panties wadded up over certain issues (picket ships, etc.) want to throttle the other in the game. But when we put the game aside, we're almost like brothers. Some day, I'm going to surprise John by showing up at his Subway restaurant. I predict that we'll burst into laughter and need hours to describe all that we've experienced together in and out of the game.

If AE is your kind of game (complicated, long-term investment, challenging), you'll love PBEM above everything else and you'll develop friendships much like this. Have fun! Enjoy the ride!

Complicated, long-term, challenging, and spreadsheet-worthy are right up my alley. Unfortunately, I'll probably get to do about a turn or two a week, on average... 3-yo daughter, 60-hr/week job, etc. I'd need a VERY patient PBEM partner. And that's before we even talk about the year it's going to take me to get to where I could competently play against a human.

I read both of your AARs from the start... it took 8-10 weeks, reading here and there. I started out reading just yours, but when you pulled off the really impressive surprise invasion of Sumatra, I went back and read his from the start. It's incredible, both in the obvious depth of your relationship with John and the mutual respect, the amount you guys have both shared, and (particularly in your AAR) the wide-ranging conversations about EVERYTHING. A really fun read, and I look forward to it continuing for a long time to come.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 4:13:33 PM)

The similarities that John and I share are pretty deep, including some things I haven't shared with him. We both have two boys (I "out-performed" him though, because I also have a girl, proving my prowess in procreation). We both attend church with our families on Sunday mornings, which I think is an increasingly rare practice today. John recently became a deacon in his church. I've been a deacon in mine for roughly 25 years (I haven't mentioned that to him, because there's something uncouth about running around touting one's religious pedigree; I saw a lawyer do it in front of a jury one time: "You should believe what I'm telling you because I'm an elder in my church." In truth, that guy was a creep of the worst kind.) John and I are both in small business and we've both taught college classes in the past (I was an adjunct professor, he might've been an "actual" professor). There are many differences between us, too, but we are pretty compatible in our approach to AE. I love playing against him.

Anachro -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 4:17:07 PM)


proving my prowess in procreation


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 4:18:20 PM)

....waxing eloquent, don't ya know?

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 7:03:34 PM)


A productive day across the map, despite a few bumps here and there. Including one that was self-imposed. You can see the map for details, but if I was a clever and creative journalist, the report would begin this way:

There is no darker place than the Arafura Sea before dawn on a moonless night. The soldiers of the 3rd Australian Division and the combat engineers of II Corps awakened in that darkness. Truthfully, few had slept, and those fitfully.

These men were aboard American transports where the galleys traditionally served steak and eggs on the morning of an amphibious operation. Even though these soldiers were not veterans of any foreign campaigns, they had served so long that they well knew they had better eat, even if their stomachs were fluttering madly, like a butterfly caught in a spider web.

At 6:30 a.m., the orders came to board the landing craft: Higgins boats, amtracks, and others. The men were calmly resigned, partly because this would not be a "hot" landing. They were coming ashore to reinforce the American 2nd Marine Division. What could go wrong?

What could go wrong?

For starters, the weather. At 6:45 a.m., a squall line developed over the southern Arafura Sea. The sky grew dark and jagged lightning bolts seared the horizon. Aboard the USS Essex, Raymond Spruance huddled with the ranking meteorologist. "Sir," the weatherman began calmly but with the weight of experience adding emphasis to his words, "there is no choice here. This storm could kick up 35 foot waves. We've got to scrub the landings and try again tomorrow."

To everyone's surprise, Spruance simply and calmly replied, "Okay."


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 8:44:02 PM)

Quite surprised that Maryland suffered that much damage from one bomb - presumably a belt armour hit because of the float damage. Still, it seems a fair exchange for five of Japan's dwindling supply of Judys.

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 9:17:04 PM)

Dwindling supply of Judys? Perhaps of the D4Y1... It's about that time when he should be upgrading from the D4Y1 (should have long ago, actually). That level of damage is high for a single hit, but not out of the bounds of reality. It looks like it might've started a fire.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 9:18:09 PM)

It's possible, too, that Maryland was involved in a collision. She's embedded in a large amphibious TF. I didn't check the reports to see, so that's just a guess.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/23/2016 9:33:11 PM)


Third Ring: D-Day at Gove goes well. General assault tomorrow preceded by bombardments. See map for details.

Map Correction: The assaulting Aussie units suffered high disablements, not high disruption. The latter was modest.


paradigmblue -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 3:14:50 PM)

I am exceptionally impressed with this entire operation that you've carried off.

It's one thing to meticulously plan for a set target, get all your ships and troops in a row, and act on the plan. It's quite another to exercise the operational flexibility that you have, switching targets on the fly based on resistance, planning multiple avenues of potential advance and egress, and bringing the necessary fuel, troops and supply for not just a few targets, but a dozen spread across a theater.

What's more, the target itself was audacious - I think most allied players would have thought that they needed either to start at Port Moresby and work NW to the Arafura Sea and then head north or that they needed to clear a path through the mid-pacific island chains before capturing Sorong, but you saw the opportunity to bypass an entire ring of defenses.

Phenomenal planning and execution.

witpqs -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 4:13:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

It's possible, too, that Maryland was involved in a collision. She's embedded in a large amphibious TF. I didn't check the reports to see, so that's just a guess.

On each ship's display screen there is field Michael added quite A while ago which shows what was the most recent or greatest source of damage (it won't override something big to put in the latest machine gun hit). Sometimes that's all the info you care about and heads off plowing through operations reports.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 4:18:57 PM)

The Simian from Argleton makes a good point. Here it is (I'm so accustomed to bombs bouncing off BBs that I had trouble accepting the obvious):


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 4:24:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: paradigmblue

I am exceptionally impressed with this entire operation that you've carried off.

It's one thing to meticulously plan for a set target, get all your ships and troops in a row, and act on the plan. It's quite another to exercise the operational flexibility that you have, switching targets on the fly based on resistance, planning multiple avenues of potential advance and egress, and bringing the necessary fuel, troops and supply for not just a few targets, but a dozen spread across a theater.

What's more, the target itself was audacious - I think most allied players would have thought that they needed either to start at Port Moresby and work NW to the Arafura Sea and then head north or that they needed to clear a path through the mid-pacific island chains before capturing Sorong, but you saw the opportunity to bypass an entire ring of defenses.

Phenomenal planning and execution.

Paradigm, your analysis made my day and warmed my heart. It's a bit unseemly for me to revel in success, but your synopsis is accurate.

The success of Big Tent/Third Ring/Carousel isn't all due to my "masterful" play. Some of it was due to luck. Alot of it was due to how my opponent handled things. But, in turn, I had a pretty good handle on how my opponent plays and, I believe, I correctly understood the weakened nature of the Kaigun and how that would play into things.

It's been immensely rewarding to play this through. I'm still learning and I still have a lot to learn, but I "see the map" and understand things so much better than I did even at the beginning of this game.

Now it's on to the next big op. Did I conceive it well? Will I execute it well? Will John react astutely? Will luck favor one or the other? Let's see.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 4:37:33 PM)

Six weeks ago, unfortunate curiosity prompted me to click a button that I shouldn't have clicked. As a result, I lost a BB for four months. Here's what happened.

BB Colorado was at Pearl. She wasn't due for upgrades, yet her ship screen had the option to "conversion to BB." For years, I'd seen this option to convert some BBs to BB. This time, though, I clicked to "convert" BB Colorado to a "BB." When I did so, she went into the yards for 120 days (she's still there). Unfortunately for me, I was too far into a turn involving a thousand clicks to step back to an earlier save to "undo" the upgrade. I rationalized the dilemma by deciding that I wouldn't be needing all of my BBs anyhow and that it would be good to have at least one back in Pearl serving as a reserve in case things went awry in Big Tent or later.

Here's a screen shot of BB Pennsylvania showing the same option to upgrade. What's the deal with this, anyhow?


Capt. Harlock -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 5:26:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Six weeks ago, unfortunate curiosity prompted me to click a button that I shouldn't have clicked. As a result, I lost a BB for four months. Here's what happened.

BB Colorado was at Pearl. She wasn't due for upgrades, yet her ship screen had the option to "conversion to BB." For years, I'd seen this option to convert some BBs to BB. This time, though, I clicked to "convert" BB Colorado to a "BB." When I did so, she went into the yards for 120 days (she's still there). Unfortunately for me, I was too far into a turn involving a thousand clicks to step back to an earlier save to "undo" the upgrade. I rationalized the dilemma by deciding that I wouldn't be needing all of my BBs anyhow and that it would be good to have at least one back in Pearl serving as a reserve in case things went awry in Big Tent or later.

Here's a screen shot of BB Pennsylvania showing the same option to upgrade. What's the deal with this, anyhow?


For whatever my $0.02 is worth, it might be the upgrade to replace the mix of 5" secondary guns with the 5/38 dual turrets that the modernized USN battlewagons had. Should give a big boost to the AA capabilities (which as Maryland can tell you, can come in handy).


Anachro -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 6:01:16 PM)

Looking at the conversions in my DBB-C game, which seems to have different ones from yours (no BB Penn for instance), it does seem to create a big boost in AA.


Bullwinkle58 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/24/2016 8:48:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Here's a screen shot of BB Pennsylvania showing the same option to upgrade. What's the deal with this, anyhow?

Long, long time since I looked at this, but I think in addition to armament there's a slight endurance change, and maybe durability too? Fuel tanks, or tower armor stripped off, or something similarly historical I have never studied due to my obsession with the really important USN platforms. That sink on purpose of course. [8D]

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/25/2016 2:02:17 AM)

As I recall, it's very very similar to the scheduled upgrade and would complete around the same time. In-game, I couldn't tell a difference between the two options on the single ship I looked at (Colorado, I think).

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/25/2016 3:30:18 AM)


Thank you for the information about the BB conversion/upgrade. That makes sense.

Third Ring: An unsuccessful attack at Gove holds promise. See map.

Fun House: The act is coming together. See map.

Merry Christmas: To all. And to all, a good night!


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/25/2016 2:28:16 PM)

Looking forward to your egress with all your chickens! I'm betting John tries a blocking move if he can get there in time - he loves to sink ships too much to pass up that fat target even if it has teeth.

Thanks for all your efforts keeping us along for the ride! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all !

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/25/2016 3:52:58 PM)

The retrieval of forward units is always fraught with danger. It takes time to get ships in, load them, and get them back out. All the time, the TFs are vulnerable to enemy combat ships or carriers. So you watch carefully, set up patrols, and try to provide some protection. But things can turn messy very fast.

Thus far, I've retrieved Australian divisions from Adak and Tarawa, both of which were proximate to big enemy bases, patrols and likely danger. And there were many other extractions. Thus far, not a single enemy plane, sub or combat ship has interfered. This is attributable mostly to two things: (1) Big Tent served as a vortex, drawing John's attention and assets, and (2) Kaigun is weak enough that John can't afford to commit DD TFs hither and yon and, to the extent that he has assets in the area, he's careful about committing them.

The three Australian RCT I'm going for now are scattered in the Marshalls. They are each prepping for separate islands - secondary objectives, if you will.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/26/2016 4:23:20 AM)


A good day across the map. The most significant development is that the enemy defense of Gove is cracking. But it's been a long day, so I'll let the map speak for me. Have a good night, all.


Capt. Harlock -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/26/2016 3:13:23 PM)


I'll let the map speak for me

And it speaks rather well! I agree about the combat at Gove -- casualties seem remarkably light on both sides, more in line for what you'd expect from a Bombardment attack rather than a Deliberate attack. What was John's reaction to the transport massacre?

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (12/26/2016 3:52:55 PM)

John didn't mention it, but it's pretty rare for us to discuss combat results via email. This was just a supply TF, mainly of xAKLs, so I'm sure it didn't bother John to lose them.

The current situation in the DEI increasingly reminds me of northern Europe in the autumn of 1944. The Axis powers have seemingly disappeared from the battlefield. But they aren't defeated. John's going to turn on my eventually.

Over the past week, USN DD TFs have interdicted enemy supply missions to Davoa, Taulad-Eilendan, and Loewoek. John hasn't give those TFs any escort nor did he really try to intervene to stop the raiding. Where is the German Army? When and where will it turn and attack?

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