Great Patriotic War (smokindave34 welcome) (Full Version)

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Callistrid -> Great Patriotic War (smokindave34 welcome) (12/6/2013 10:55:41 PM)

T01 after soviet moves

Nonrandom weather
Locked HQ
Mild winter

House rules:
1)No Soviet airborne drops before the blizzard
2)German only use transports to supply fuel to my panzers (not the whole Luftwaffe

Soviet set up:
- All units (except infantry, mountain, cavalry divs, and army, front HQ) TOE set to 50
- Lock the Caucasus fron army + Ural Front
- Soviet transports will fly now only at night
- Soviet air intercept set to 300
- Set to 0 all airbase, city bombardment and ground suport
- Refit all troops in the rear
- Disband 26 useless HQ for early manpower (Disband several HQ from the frontline)
- Attachements from Kowel pocket HQ was given to the STAVKA (save 76 gun + manpower)

Military situation 41/06/22:

My opponent don't start with the extended Lwov pocket, so I have a lot of units to build a front line. The kowel pocket was break for a short time, what will slow the german infantry divisions move.
On southern front the 1st panzer Army was reinforced with troops from 3rd Pz army (3 division), so I decide to stop the german advance on center and north.
The defense line will be weak, and the strategy is to retreat, avoiding to be encircled.

In the center, the strategy was to slow the german tanks with several airbone units (I can't use them before 42). Tank and motorized divs hold the river, and the neck of smolensk.

On north junk units try to slow the german units, before the will cross the river. Other troops start to build a defense line around Pskov. In Leningrad I build an expensive (16 AP) fortification, continuing the defense line to the Ladoga lake. The 16th army troops (6 divs) will build the Luga line next turn. Right now they are on rail, what is expensive, but 5-9 CV tanks in difficult terrarian could real slow the german advance.


Bozo_the_Clown -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/6/2013 11:01:24 PM)

Wow, you sure have the most beautiful maps in this forum. [&o]

And your game-play is excellent too.

SigUp -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/7/2013 7:27:46 AM)

What a great map! And holy moly, you railed out like half of Southwest Front's remaining units. [:D]

loki100 -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/7/2013 9:46:57 AM)

agree, superb map and an interesting opening set of moves

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/8/2013 1:12:46 AM)

T02 after soviet moves

Arm factory looses: 4
Heavy factory looses: 4
Rail usage: all rail points was used to move troops.

North: The german troops can't cross the river near Pskov. Three soviet defense line was build. With southern reinforments, the Luga line, and the Polist line will be build

Center: The german spearhead blocked Mogiliev, and the factories inside.

South: Nothing special. The german panzer spear head was cut for a short time. The Kowel pocket also closed.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/8/2013 1:19:06 AM)

The most important sectors:


hfarrish -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/8/2013 3:26:39 AM)

Given that these maps are awesome, can I make one other recommendation - please show defensive CVs rather than MPs on the units. Particularly in 41 as Sov it is just so much more important/informative.

Nice work. Hopefully this game lasts.

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/8/2013 11:36:56 AM)

Some weeks ago I've read a good industry evacuation list. Could somebody give me a link, to check it?

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 12:34:12 PM)

T03 after soviet moves

Arm factory looses: 4 (6 locked)
Heavy factory looses: 4 (6 locked)
Rail usage: 17 Arm factory was evacuated

The full front was quiet. The german motorizet units just expand, and secure their conquest, and waiting the infantry support. On North the river was crossed, and established a bridgehead.
Sout the german continue his expansion in the low defended western ukrainean plains. Kirovgrad was locked with 3 Arm factories. I belive the main german object is to capture D-town, or lock it, but with several soviet divs that way is blocked, and hard to break it.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 12:38:33 PM)


I continue to build the Luga-line. The newly formed infantry divisions was set to refit, and build the deep defense line around the city.
Near Pskov the city and the swamp area will be the major defense line, what slow the german operation. On T04 I belive Pskov will fall, but even if not, I must retreat.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 12:42:28 PM)


The new divs refit, and build a new front line around the capital. Near the Dnyepr river, the situation is good, but the german infantry will reach the front line next turn. I belive on T04, the german will refit all his mot troops, so my oppontent won't cross the river. However, next turn I must retreat, gave up the Dnyepr.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 12:46:14 PM)


Nothing specian on south. The only casultie is the arm factors in Kirovgrad. The way of D-town is well blocked, so I belive the german has just a minimal chance to block the city. Next turn D-town Arm factories will be evacuated, and I'm thinking to retreat from the river to.


Peltonx -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 1:23:25 PM)

If GHC did a HQBU turn 3 ( 4 divisions) and did air drops to his forward mech units reaching D-town is more then do able if you railed out your better units to north + center. Basicly 8 divisions with 40+ MPs.

Your defences are not very good. The south should be a checker board.

Its his for the taking if he did an HQBU.

MP's are very high for all the panzer units because GHC is so close to rail lines.

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/9/2013 1:30:14 PM)

He can't use HQBU, because he's advace was more then 5 hex with all mot troops. An even the HQ-s moved.
I belive next turn will HQBU



If GHC did a HQBU turn 3 ( 4 divisions) and did air drops to his forward mech units reaching D-town is more then do able if you railed out your better units to north + center. Basicly 8 divisions with 40+ MPs.

Your defences are not very good. The south should be a checker board.

Its his for the taking if he did an HQBU.

MP's are very high for all the panzer units because GHC is so close to rail lines.

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/10/2013 5:38:36 PM)

T04 Leningrad

I decide to leave the Pskov line. The german coud use HGBU and with the infantry support that could be dangerous. Since the Luga line is well fortified, and several strong troops guard the way to the city. It won't be an easy walk.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/10/2013 5:46:06 PM)

T04 Moscow

Another major retreat. The threat was so high, the german motorized troops moved back some hex (I belive my opponent use 4 HQBU), so I decide to retreat, leaving the river behind.

Well... this was a critical decision, so, if I was correct, the retreat was a best idea, or if the german just next turn will HQBU, then it was an extreemly bad.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/10/2013 5:53:35 PM)

T04 South

The german railhead is too far from the panzer spearhead. Only some far motorized toops could use HQBU. So here I will stand and fight, give enough time to evacuate Kharkov and Stalino.
In north ukraine only the heavy factories won't be evacuated, and the only threatened is city is Poltava, but the german can't cross the river next turn (or just to establis a bridgehead).


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/10/2013 6:01:15 PM)

The Bryans and Lvow pocket is not destroyed yet. 120-150 0000 man still fight. Sadly but only german police, rumanian + hungarian troops fight against them. But destroy them on the mountain region is hard.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 1:21:56 AM)

T05 Leningrad

The retreat continues. Now the main front line will be the Luga Line, and the Soutwestern frontline.
I'm curious what will the german decide. The frontal attack, or the right hook...


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 1:25:30 AM)

T05 Moscow

The retreat continues. The german moved with his panzers closer to the front line, so no HQBU will be the next 2-3 turn.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 1:28:07 AM)

T05 South

Nothing special. The arm factories was evacuated from the area. Now I must deal with Kharkow, and Stalino.
Next turn the german will cross the river.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 1:31:54 AM)

Casulties and forces

Arm: 10 lost
Heavy: 13 lost, plus another 20 will be lost.

The Lvow pocket still exist with 100 000 encircled soldier.


Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 1:34:49 AM)

Lvow pocket.

The rumanian 3rd army and the hungarian VIII and Fast corps fight there. I'm not really care whats going there. But the troops try to infiltrate damaging the rail line.


hfarrish -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 3:24:52 AM)

Impressive defenses in the North and South, but the Center seems awfully weak. Not sure how that will work out, but will be interesting to say the least. Dave is a fun opponent and should give you a good game (very good on the defensive side once things switch in '43...).

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/11/2013 10:09:04 AM)

The center is stronger than the southern front. The soviet cand fight after rthe river is crossed, but the difficult terrarian gives me a huge bonus.

On north strong frontline troops and reserve second. However, after august will be hard to fight since most of my tought troops are armor and motorized division, and the "upgrade" real hurts me. But if Leningrad will fall just around 15-17 turns, that would be splendid.


ORIGINAL: hfarrish

Impressive defenses in the North and South, but the Center seems awfully weak. Not sure how that will work out, but will be interesting to say the least. Dave is a fun opponent and should give you a good game (very good on the defensive side once things switch in '43...).

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/12/2013 3:52:31 AM)

T06 Full front

This turn was still quiet just like the last one. The Lvow pocket still resist. 85 000 Men diging around the mountains, and rumanian, plus hungarian troops try to beat them. However, without german troops, defeating those guys wont be easy.

On North the german troops seems to be quiet. The 16th and 18 army troops arrived to the southern part of the Luga river, and the 4th panzers rest behind, (HBQH). The western part of the Luga line is low defended, give a good, but guided way to the german forces. If the german pz troops will try to break the line there, the soutwestern troops will reinforce the Leningrad front.
So, next turn, the battle for Leningrad will begin.

On center, I must stand and fight, slowing the german attack. What is a splendid news, the panzer divisions are far from their railhead. So no HQBU this turn. The newly formed troops digin 4 defense lines around Moscow.

On south major retreat. The armament factories in Kharkov had been evacuated this turn, and next turn I will start to continue in Stalino the evacuation. I belive in two turn, the german can't attack Stalino, because most of his infantry divisions (the 6th and 17th army) stand around Kiev (around 20 infantry division). Only the 11th army could support the attack, and the rumanians. And crossing the river around D-town will be hard.


SigUp -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/12/2013 4:36:28 AM)

You have outdone yourself with the armies symbols on your map! Can you teach me how to do that? And how do you identify what German army opposes you? [8D]

Anyway, I like your situation. In the South the German still hasn't a footing over the Dnepr, while in the North you are still holding him south of the Luga. If you manage to limit him in the Centre also, then he is in deep trouble.

Peltonx -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/12/2013 5:53:16 AM)

Wow Daves in trouble.

His turn 1 and 2 need allot of work.

Without a great opening and turn 2 GHC is in trouble vs a good SHC player.

Callistrid -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/12/2013 9:19:17 AM)

They just simple png files. If you wish I can aplpoad them.

Well the identification of the german armies are close to speculation. The 4th Inf Coprs with mountain troops stand around Kiev, 11th army position is reconised, and the massive (8-10) infanty div aron C-town must be the 6th (by elimination). The Romaian armies are speculation, just like the german second.

But using the soviet recons, gives you good informations.


You have outdone yourself with the armies symbols on your map! Can you teach me how to do that? And how do you identify what German army opposes you? [8D]

SigUp -> RE: Great Patriotic War (no smokindave34) (12/12/2013 9:22:01 AM)

If you have them in black and for corps (XXX), it would be great if you could upload them. [:)]

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