RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (Full Version)

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Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 5:45:39 PM)

The attack was a success with no units lost.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 6:01:07 PM)

The Germans rebase the air trans. unit west, and the turn does not end.

Before the reset, there was the move by the Nationals making the flanking maneuver, which was moved back before the reload was made. Since I am trying to get the forces in China to where they were when the reload was made, I did not move them in the Allied movement phase. All other National movements were the same.

The turn ends.

The Germans did not get the last impulse in which they only moved about a half dozen or so units toward the French border with the bad weather.

It is curious now that I look at the post made then, that it would be embarassing if the Poles were able to retake Warsaw. How right I could have been, had I moved the Germans differently in their last impulse when the turn ended.

Here is the begining of the Last impulse of the replay turn. The weather had cleared up.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 6:09:29 PM)

The US entry roll was only 1 chit this time to the Axis. No actions taken in order to get the Gear up.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 7:37:27 PM)

The events posted post reload, were played and the screenshots made before I made the decisions to actually do it. I am taking a few minutes here and there during the day to "catch up" to where I was last night.

So far the variations have been,

1 less impulse at the end of Sep/Oct 39, meaning slightly less German movement west for the battle for France.

A mix up with a 6-3 and a 4-3 Japanese move. Noticed when I went to break down the 4-3 into div. for the upcoming attack on Sian.

Not enough points to give resources to China, due to low chit pull.

Chinese National flanking move. It was pulled back before the reload, and would have been made anyway in an upcoming impulse.

A missed convoy move by the US.

Am currently at the final production phase, and doing things that need to be done around the house, to keep the CIC (wife) happy.

markb50k -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 7:44:32 PM)

don't forget the tension requirements for Gear Up. you may find yourself with plenty of US Entry but playing a waiting game due to the fact that you cant select enough options to get the tension up to 11 in each. In other words, you need to pick options to get the necessary tension, and should be doing so throughout the early turns.

My 2 cents

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 8:24:07 PM)

Mark thank you for bringing that up. I saw a post somewhere on the forum about that and your reminder puts it on my todo list in the next day or so. That is to learn it.

Managed to squeeze in the builds while taking a break.

The ground force draws are random, and I know that most of them were not what was originally drawn. I can live with that. The only ones that I remember where the Chinese builds, and they worked out to be the same. I was worried that the Sian militia would not be available again. I am really eager to see how that drama plays out for both sides, hence my using the AAR to do my best to duplicate the moves as close as possible prior to the reload. I know that it will not be exactly the same, but will be following my original basic strategy while catching up to where I was before the reload.

I forgot to add, The US convoy move that I forgot, was a last Allied impulse of SEP/OCT, in order to get my point of oil to save. I somehow had overlooked it throughout the turn. I was one BP short of the original builds, and the submarine did not get laid down for the US this turn.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 9:18:35 PM)

The units to place on the board are essentially the same with the exception of the French militia builds. This time both were French units. So the transport move will pick up the Algerian inf instead of the Senegalise militia in Senegal.

The Axis won the initiative and gave it to the allies as before. The main difference was with the weather roll. The northern temperate zone has snow instead of storms. This will allow the move that I spent a fair amount of time pondering back on post 135. It will also allow the possibility to do the shuffling of units that I thought about doing also.

This of course will give the Japanese the ability to maneuver into attack positions.

In the west, Everyone will move as they did before, with the CW and French making the same naval moves, with the exception of the French transport.

I am pretty sure that I the game is essentially at the point where I can continue the AAR as once again active, with the just mentioned changes that the weather brings. All in all, it only cost me about an hour or two of actually doing the work to get back to this point. The reload is not exactly the same, but it is where it needs to be.

To be able to see the difference that the weather in China can make At the same point in the game with one set up being able to move and one at a standstill due to rain was worth the effort.

One last note I hope. I knew there was something a bit amiss in the now current forces around Sian. The Japanese had one more impulse to move prior to the reload. In a while when I actually continue the game, I will post screenshots comparing the pre and post reload for your benefit.

Thank you all again for your patience.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 12:32:40 AM)


All of the Allied naval moves have been completed for the first impulse of Nov/Dec 39

We begin again.

As promised, the screenshots for comparison at Sian.

Pre reload forces.

Sorry wrong one.

Third try to find the correct screenshot got it right.

The move into the mountains is now possible since it is now snowing instaed of storms, and the planning of the move before the preload convinced me that the militia will move.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 12:34:25 AM)

Post reload forces.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 1:02:19 AM)

While planning the move I was considering shuffling some of the units around, but that was also not possible due to the weather. I wanted to try to get a 4 strength inf into the hex where the 3-3 is going to move, and place the 3-3 in the open ground hex behind the river.

On second thought, it would be better to have 4 points behind the river and 6 (3*2 dbl defending in mt.), than 3 points behind the river, and 8 (4*2) in the mt. No shuffling of the units.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 1:24:39 AM)

Impulse 4 Nov/Dec 39

Due to weather, at the same point in the pre reload, this was impulse 3.

This is the point in the pre reload game that was last played. No actions had been determined.

The Japanese have an engineer and art units to transport. For this impulse, with the snow, it is a good time to move the ground units and maybe make an attack. I need to determine if I can move enough land units with a combined to accomplish both. If on the next Axis impulse the weather turns to rain, the troops will be at a standstill and the ships can move. Land action it is.

Germany wants to take advantage of the bad weather to sortie some naval units, but have good weather to begin moving west to France. The same logic for the Japanese will apply here also. Land

Italy, combined.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 1:29:45 AM)

Naval air.

Italy flies to cover her convoys, Germany flies to the North Sea. Since the Luftwaffe will be moving west in the rebase phase, they will have more than enough fighters to cover the factories and a few to send to the North Sea if needed.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 1:49:20 AM)

The CW has an option to initiate combat with the German NAV air unit. The Courageous is in the North Sea also, with two 1 class CV air units. Its snowing, and the naval aspect of the game is my weak point. Not enough of this type of thing happens so early in the game, so I really dont remember exactly how it works. I have just been pushing buttons and whatever happens happens without understanding why. So now is the time to sit down with the manuals and start learning why.

My instinct tells me not to fly, that the weather is too bad for an interception. We have seen how wrong my assumptions have been so far.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 3:25:53 AM)

After spending a bit of time trying to find what I wanted to know about doing searches at sea, and the modifiers to the sea box numbers and die rolls, I think I understand it now. I had to make my own hand written chart for my own reference, since there is non easily accessable in the game menu or without finding the correct book and age number. It seems a bit byzantine way of finding it out in my opinion. The manuals are great, but I find it odd that there is information concerning this and many other things are spread out in three different books that relate to the same thing. I know there is a video that explains the books, but I think that I am like many people who prefer to dive right in and start playing without spending hours just to learn the most simple things about the game.

Its just a product of being a DIY guy who lives by the motto, when all else fails, read the instructions. I have found even with this monster of a game that that has many advantages also, so it is a double edge sword.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 3:28:48 AM)

Now what the heck was I doing in the game?[&:]

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 3:37:28 AM)

Three of the slower moving inf units were sent via railroad west from Poland.
The newly arrived militia in Korea was railed to Shangai to protect the factory and port left unguarded when its garrison was railed last turn.

Its time to look at the Sian front for land movement now.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 4:15:55 AM)

Another planning graphic.

I am finding that this really helps keep things straight in my head.

This gets the forces to the starting line. A fine weather impulse will be needed in order to give the air a chance to do their work, and remove the weather modifiers.

If the chinese move, then this changes the whole thing, but the ofrces will still be in position to strike. A move by the Chinese by the 3-3 to reinforce the garrison would increase the chances of them losing two units if things go well for the Japanese. A successful attack on either the militia or garrison, puts the mountains south and east at great risk.

Playing both sides, this graphic will help the Chinese planning also.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 4:19:46 AM)

2A in the graphic represents a 2 factor artillery unit. Other numbers are strength factors. These are underneath the top counter.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 4:42:19 AM)

Sian after the moves.

I had to move the 1-3 div into the mt hex, in order to put the blue militia back into supply.

Now we wait for the weather and or what the Chicoms decide to do.

The weather really plays havoc with the supply situation in China. Partisan activity when it happens will make it worse.

This early in the game, I can not afford to weaken the attack on Sian, as the other forces are spread almost dangerously thin. Not from any real threat of Nationalist attack, but possible partisan attacks, and eventual nationalist reinforcemnent.

I love the challenge for all three of the sides involved here. I am finding that China is really a chess match or game of Go.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 5:09:56 AM)

I need to show the situation near Changsa to shed some light on how thin things are.

The Japanese HQ is covering the gap between Nanyang and Changsa, next to Wuhan.

The blue militia unit if it moves to SE or E, enabling the HQ to enter Wuhan, will go out of supply. The HQ id supplying the Changsa forces. If it moves into Wuhan, the it opens the gap for the Nationalist cav units. To pull the Changsa forces even one unit back to cover it, gives the Nationalists a free move to take valuable ground from the Japanese.

If the cav does move into the mountains, then they are out of supply I belive, but the Japanese would be hard pressed to bring in troops needed for Sian.

There is a 5-5 motorized inf in Peking earmarked for partisan duty. Its a fast mover, that is also protecting the factory in Peking, and rail junction for now.

I just realised that Peking is a blue factory and not a factor for Japanese production, but the rail junction is. There are some other production issues I need to look into when Japan gets a naval movement this turn.

This being done, its time to call it a night.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 5:11:14 AM)

Japan still has air rebasing to do this turn to get them into protected hexes.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 12:29:00 PM)

The Germans move west

I havn't shown a screenshot of the eastern front yet. Both sides are still redeploying.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 12:31:22 PM)

Everyone redeploys air closer to their fronts. Italy moves a bomber to Libya.

The impulse ends.

The start of The second Allied impulse.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 2:39:06 PM)

Everyone has chosen combined this turn.

Naval moves:

5-3 inf from Algeria lands in Mareilles.
Spitfire unloaded in Malta, two CW convoys dock in Bermuda.
1 US convoy into the Caribbean, and the bomber and fighter unloaded in Hawaii.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 2:48:29 PM)

The CW move the Manchester militia toward Portsmouth.
The French begin moving forces that arrived at the begining of the turn to the border.
Nothing has changed in the Japanese disposition facing the Nationals, so there is no need to upset the balance.

Next up is to look at Sian.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 2:54:29 PM)

The storms are going to prevent the Japanese from making any progress in their next impulse. The Chicoms are in position until they either recieve reinforcements next turn, or the weather breaks and the Japanese act, so there is no need for them to move this turn either.

The USSR moves armor back for the Moscow reserve, as does a lonely AT unit.

Nothing really changes from the eastern front screenshot earlier.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 3:06:27 PM)

There is a 7-3 inf on a transport in the North Sea. I began sending the BEF to France, before I read up on the naval search rules last night, and in hindsight, I messed up the move. There is a transport and motor inf unit in France, so the inf cannot debark until the transport in France leaves. The Germans are not ina position to hit the west yet, so there is no threat. There is ample escorts for the inf at sea, combined with the bad weather it would be a bad move for the Germans to battle a stronger force at sea.

The weather is ripe for a German SCS raid attempt on the convoys. I could have moved some more CW SCS into potential sea areas in anticipation, but I do not have enough experience in the naval tactics yet to be comfortable in doing so. For now, it will be reaction to the attempts by Germany to begin the learning process.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 3:20:54 PM)

Second Axis impulse.

Japan naval
Germany and Italy combined.

Italy transports a 4-5 motorized inf to Tripoli, to polssibly move into Tunisia and Algeria when they enter the fray. The Algerian resource would be nice. Will have to give this consideration as time moves on.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 4:30:44 PM)

With the bad weather hindering the westward move ment from Poland, Its time to get some SCS with long legs, and can run real fast into the North Atlantic for some convoy work.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/25/2014 4:49:02 PM)

What I want to do with the raiding force is not happening. Time to go read the manual again. I can get them into the North Sea, but not a higher box than 0. I suspect that it has to do with storms. I tried to do it a few different ways that I thought would work to no avail.

My original intent picking the higher range and movement SCSs was to get them into a box greater than zero. It is a long shot for intercepting a convoy I am guessing even if the weather clears up. As with my comments concerning the CW raider intercptors that I did not sortie, wanting to react instead. This was going to be what they were going to react to.

This is a training exersize for me, and it needs to be an exersize that has a reasonable maybe slim chance of success. To me this is not the zero box for the raiders. I can not get them there then the "exersize will be canceled, and the raiders will not sail.

Time to hit the books.

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