RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (Full Version)

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Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 6:56:50 PM)

The French only have 5 BP and no Inf corps to build, so they build two militia and save 1 BP.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 7:01:11 PM)

The US navy needs to get big quick. Enough said.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 7:04:20 PM)

The USSR will be all land unit build for several turns.
2 Inf
1 Garrison

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 9:15:08 PM)

Now I really have to read the rules. Warsaw has been taken, and I thought that Poland was supposed to be conquered. I did not take Lodz under that assumption. It is now the begining of Nov/Dec and Poland is still alive.There is still a large German force along with the air units that have not moved west, so I can take Lodz this turn. Back to the books.

I hear Butthead in my head saying "What a dumbass" with Beavis cackling beside him.

I should be too old to think that show was funny.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 9:17:22 PM)

My staff is looking into the problem in Poland.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 9:24:04 PM)

The Axis gives the win the initiative roll and give it to the Allies.


terje439 -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/23/2014 10:40:32 PM)


Another aspect of the reason why they did not fly, is use of oil which is not much, but greater is the potential loss of the NAV for one or two relatively low cost CW units early in the game.

The oil is a valid point, but the risk in a port strike in Poland on T1 is pretty much nil, keep in mind that you have the benefit of surprise that turn [:)]


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 1:33:10 AM)

Terje, I must appologize as I replied to you after misreading your comment. I already goofed thinking that Poland was conquered, and now this[8|]

Ok, now that I reread your last two replies I understand what you are saying. I honestly never thought of doing a port attack. Looking at it now, you are right. The oil issue is really no issue at all for a port strike. The Kriegsmarine in my reply to you is still covered and is not an issue here. This is another lesson I have learned, and thank you for bringing it up!!

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 1:37:37 AM)

I went and read up on the rules, and my assumption that Poland would fall at the end of the turn was wrong. I went back and added a comment to one of my previous posts stating that I was wrong so that readers would not think I was crazy (that is debatable, ask my wife). The game moves on anyway and I will deal with it this turn. I must have been remembering something from my days playing ETO/PTO many years ago. Live and learn.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 1:42:58 AM)

Here is the the start of the turn. Axis gives the passes the inititive to the allies. Sorry for the lamost double post , but I forgot I showed this, but without the weather.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 1:47:12 AM)

With all of the confusion that I had with the Poland issue, I forget all of the other bits that I wanted to comment on here as it was a few hours ago.

USSR and the US choose combined
CW and France naval
China land

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 2:01:25 AM)

The French transport sails to Senegal to pick up a 5-3 militia that was built in the last build phase along with a militia in Bordeaux. A CA and CL sail from Oran to escort it to Marseilles. Two CL go to the 1 box in the W. Med. The weather is turned off in the screenshot of the overall view of the western front for clarity.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 2:43:25 AM)

CW naval moves and disposition.

Convoy duties from Halifax, Liverpool and Alexandria. Trans. from France pick up 7-3 inf from England for BEF. Motorized to France for BEF. Liners transport garrison to Malta from Liverpool. Transport in Liverpool will load Spitfire next turn to send to Malta. BEF naval escort from Plymouth to North sea. 14 range Blenheim will fly to Egypt via France and Malta. Will transport another Spitfire to Egypt as as soon as possible.

Since I am still not fully comfortable with the naval stratagies of the game yet, I welcome comments, suggestions and criticism from yhose who are following this AAR. Thank you for following along so far.

I just realized that the weather may not permit me to rebase the spitfire this turn, so the transprt may have to wait an impulse or two.

Scratch that last line, I realized that I could load it from the Bay of Biscay. I try to do this AAR as it happens, hence the extra comments added. They are on their way to Malta.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 2:51:56 AM)

Oh yeah, the polish convoy plus one recieved at the beginning of the turn sailed for the East Coast heading to ship oil from the Carribean.

They also load two are units to send to Hawaii.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 3:00:19 AM)

I just remembered to send another convoy from Norfolk to the Caribbean for more oil.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 3:21:02 AM)

Here is the situation prior to the CHicom land moves. With the 3-3 militia added to Sian, I can now reduce the number of hexes to a possible attack on the 4-1 garrison, if I move it into the mountains. I would love to be able to shuffle the units so that the garrison is in Sian, but with the weather I dont think that its possible.

Accidently cropped out of the screenshot tells tha Mao HQ 6(3)3 is under the 3-3 militia in Sian.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 3:25:10 AM)

The Chengtu warlord can only move to the NW if it wants to get closer to Sian. He is at the limits of his 6 hex range.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 3:52:04 AM)

Still pondering this. Time to break it down.

Time to Japanese attack 2-3 impulses, depending on the weather. +1 China
Keep Militia in Sian, minimun 2 attacks to take Sian. +2 China total +3 China
Move militia into the mountains, minimum 3 attacks to take Sian +3 China. total +4 China better option

The +numbers are just me thinking out load and have no relation to anything on the map or in the rules.

If the Japanese go north instead?

They will have to shift their heavy hitters taking at least the whole turn. This is good for Chinese. Japanese supply could be an issue.

Attack 4-1 garrison from 2 hexes? Higher cost to Japan. Does not change my earlier "breakdown".

Still thinking.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:02:58 AM)

Once again, not paying attention. It was the USSR rail move phase, and my mind automatically goes to China. Thats ok, because that decision still ahs to be made. Sometimes its good to come back to it.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:08:45 AM)

Nationals situation, move phase. none needed.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:13:09 AM)

If I make the move for the Chicoms into the mountain hex, they will become disrupted due to the weather. The earlier ideas for moves will be of use later, depending on what Japan does. The weather is against them too, so for now, this is good. Only one AT moved for USSR. I don't think we will try for the Finnish annexation.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:23:45 AM)

CW air rebase. The Bomber had the range to make it to Malta. Will go to Egypt next impulse.

During the CW remove air unit phase, a low strength land bomber was removed. Forgot to add that. One more pilot for next turn.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:26:37 AM)

Shifted two 5 strength fighters closer to Belgium on the English coast.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 4:37:44 AM)

Impulse 3. Weather is bad. Will choose actions in the morning.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 5:19:51 AM)

Before I go to bed, I want to add that in light of my big misunderstanding of the conquest rule, I am considering reloading the last Axis impulse in order to try to take Lodz, to complete the conquest. I really do not like to reload games as I mentioned earlier, but this really does fall under a noob mistake. The last impulse of Sep/Oct for the Axis is still in the autosave folder. All of the air is unorganized, but the ground units that made the attack on Warsaw are still there. This would be the impulse that followed the attack on Warsaw. I have the moves in Asia in the AAR, and can copy them in the replay. The only other thing that would be missed is the HQ reorganization for the Germans to get some air units to ground strike Lodz.

The game has not progressed beyond the first impulse of Nov/Dec 39. Barring any serious losses in the attempt, all of the end of turn builds will be the same as before for all countries. If I could not make the conquest, I would also consider continuing the game as it stands now, as not to spend anymore time.

If I choose not to reload and make the attempt, I would consider this game to be a "what if" Poland survived into Nov/Dec scenario, and play on.

As I said before this was a misunderstanding of the rules. I want to be able to play out this AAR without the hindrance of a possible handicap because of this in order to play beyond the fall of France where I have stopped my previous games due to my learning the game. I will sleep on it, and look forward to any of your thoughts on this issue.

AndyG1 -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 6:19:37 AM)

This is great, thanks so much for letting us see your real time thought processes! Re Poland - conquest - just continue as is. Makes it even more interesting:).

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 2:47:22 PM)

It has been about four hours since I did the attack on Lodz after breakfast. They took it without losing any units. Since then I have been pondering the situation and mulling over your comments, of which I am in full agreement with the play on its an alternate start scenario. By playing on I am still learning the game, and that this was just another mistake and part of the learning process.

There have been a few things that I have done so far in the game that fall into the same catagory as the Poland issue, and have kept on with the game. Because they were small things, they might have been an inconvenience but did not drasticly alter the the flow of the game.

That being said, it is miscalculation or not understanding the situation that has determined the outcomes of wars throughout history. This to me is the biggest reason to carry on.

Now I need to give equal time for the replay cause. My wife hates it when I look at both sides of an issue when we discuss things. I have mentioned that naval operations and strategy I believe are my weak points in my knowlege of this game. When I started my very first game, I dove right in to the global war all options on and just started playing never having done more than skim through the videos online. With so many naval units, no task force "container units", or space to spread out the counters to sort them out, I just plopped the main CW fleet in Scapa, and the Japanese in Tokyo, and learn as I went along.

Its hard enough getting ones head wrapped around the convoy, supply and oil part of the game, bugs included, but add all of the options on makes it that tougher. On the other hand I believe it has made me better for it. In my previous games I had not gone more than one or two impulses after the fall of France. This gave me enough time with the navies in the west so that I can set them up better than just one big pile in a port. I am still not happy with my naval set ups in the west, but it will get there. In the east, there is no need for real naval action or movement until Japan can annex Indochina, the Dutch are set up, and the Allies begin to trickle units into asia and the Pacific. This is when I can begin to see what will probobly be needed where when the time comes for Japan to declare war.

Now I could just as easily play the scenario provided that starts me out right at that point and learn from that. To me thats the easy way of doing it. I liken it to learning how to build a house by watching it on tv, or reading a how to book. I learned how to do it by carrying lumber for the carpenters and cleaning up the jobsite, before they put tools in my hands and gave me something to do with them that was so simple a five year old could have done it. I had an autoshop teacher in high school who would hand you a part, show you where it went and would walk away. When we would ask what do we do, he would say improvise. I have watched bosses with 30 and 40 years of experience insist that what they were doing was right when I pointed something out to them. Having spent many years having to rebuild something that wasn't done right the first time. Through my own fault or others, we are all guilty of it. I see no difference here.

In short, what happens with the Germans in the begining, controls the events of the whole game. I need to have a reasonable good start for the Germans, so that the Japanese are in a reasonably historic position when they begin fighting the Allies. That is how I want to learn to play the Japanese.

I appologize for rambling on about this, and thank you for your replies and comments.

The game will be go back to the replay. Will explain things from there, but first, real life is demanding my time again for a few hours.

Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 5:41:08 PM)

THe decision to reload the game and correct the conquest error has been made. Some added details regarding the decision will be made at the appropraie time, though I will make them short and concise. It will make more sense than my last ramble.

This is the situation at the begining of the impulse after Warsaw was taken, and the Allies finished their next impulse.


Banjo -> RE: An advanced beginners AAR, and what i've learned so far and hope to learn (3/24/2014 5:43:36 PM)

In the movement phase, I was able to use this AAR to duplicate the Japanese moves. Their positions are the same as before.

The Germans move to attack Lodz.


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