witpqs -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (8/4/2015 4:43:07 PM)
ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake quote:
ORIGINAL: Chickenboy quote:
ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake Pretend Mandrake-san not aburh to open Navarh Treaty of 1925, manpower and heavy industry hits give strategic points, hai? Kind of hai. Hai? "Hits" no-ah mattah. Strategic points arrocated based upon damaged HI or manpower. Damaged points = rittre joss. Destroyed points = much more diffucurt = big joss. Hai! That-ah what Mandrake-san remember rast time read Navarh Treaty 1925. Seem rike need Mistah Oppenheimer or 50 B-29 to make big enough fire to destroy something. When rook at mouseoveah inter, figure in parentheses is damaged, hai? Kind of hai. Hai? "Figure" no-ah mattah. quote:
"Hey, you! STOP that and just answer the bloody question!" Hai! Figure represent damaged items.