RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (Full Version)

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Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/26/2016 4:14:14 PM)

F****** Adjective Carriahs go fast and now too fah for Kates at attack cruiser instead.

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bathurst Island at 78,121

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 71 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 30 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 76
B5N1 Kate x 7
B5N2 Kate x 34

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
CL Newcastle, Bomb hits 9, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Tjerk Hiddes, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage


Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Bathurst Island at 78,121

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 25 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 10 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 27
B5N1 Kate x 4

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
CL Newcastle, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/26/2016 4:16:31 PM)

Ceyron: Centrarh Ceyron farrs.

Ground combat at Dambulla (30,47)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 28998 troops, 199 guns, 16 vehicles, Assault Value = 709

Defending force 8211 troops, 93 guns, 124 vehicles, Assault Value = 196

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1

Japanese adjusted assault: 734

Allied adjusted defense: 215

Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 1)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Dambulla !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), fatigue(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
1620 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 122 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 11 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 18 disabled

Allied ground losses:
2345 casualties reported
Squads: 82 destroyed, 51 disabled
Non Combat: 196 destroyed, 17 disabled
Engineers: 52 destroyed, 2 disabled
Guns lost 39 (33 destroyed, 6 disabled)
Vehicles lost 52 (47 destroyed, 5 disabled)
Units retreated 4

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

Assaulting units:
4th Brigade
2nd Engineer Regiment
33rd Division
4th Ind Engineer Regiment
15th Ind Engineer Regiment
148th Infantry Regiment
16th Infantry Regiment
25th Army

Defending units:
100th Indian Brigade
98th Indian Brigade
Ceylon Base Force
22nd Light AA Regiment

sprior -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/27/2016 7:39:19 AM)

Boddy herr, just woke from bad dream where I was arried commander!

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/27/2016 9:09:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: sprior

Boddy herr, just woke from bad dream where I was arried commander!

Hai! Same thing hahppen Mandarake-san. Probabry good idea throw out crappy Hokkaido sake.

Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/27/2016 10:06:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake


ORIGINAL: sprior

Boddy herr, just woke from bad dream where I was arried commander!

Hai! Same thing hahppen Mandarake-san. Probabry good idea throw out crappy Hokkaido sake.

Hai! Rabers that say, "New! Improved! Now with-ah more methanahrr and ketones!" best to avoid!

witpqs -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (12/28/2016 1:12:22 AM)

Mixing beer and harrucinogenic mushrooms - very bad!

Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/17/2017 4:27:03 PM)

What ah-herr going on with this-ah war? [&:]

BBfanboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/17/2017 6:59:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

What ah-herr going on with this-ah war? [&:]

Japan-boys take time off to cerebrate the Tit .... oops, mean Tet! Maybe both ...

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/17/2017 11:30:59 PM)

Mandarake-san carred away for pajama-party at beach house of Emperor.

Arso, seem rike F****** Adejctive Carriahs get away. This-ah cause-ah bad mood

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/17/2017 11:36:22 PM)

At pajama party Mandarake-san run into two mens who rike mens but married to womans. One actuary Serbian body-buirdurh-man that-ah fix houses and rike mens.
That-ah something Mandarake-san not-ah see every day.

Even more strange two womans married to two mens who rike mens Orienturh sistahs. Perhaps two Orienturh womans not get gaydar yet. Perhaps upgrade in '43

Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 10:50:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

At pajama party Mandarake-san run into two mens who rike mens but married to womans. One actuary Serbian body-buirdurh-man that-ah fix houses and rike mens.
That-ah something Mandarake-san not-ah see every day.

What? Man who rikes fix-ah houses? In Southern Carrifornia-stan that-ah not so uncommon.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 3:00:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

At pajama party Mandarake-san run into two mens who rike mens but married to womans. One actuary Serbian body-buirdurh-man that-ah fix houses and rike mens.
That-ah something Mandarake-san not-ah see every day.

What? Man who rikes fix-ah houses? In Southern Carrifornia-stan that-ah not so uncommon. man in powder brue jogging-mens suit and-ah bronde hairs with highrights.
Berieve Mandarake-san. This-ah not usuarh thing. Even SG say womans version gaydar register "North-ah Horrywood".

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 3:09:50 PM)

Anyway...pretty fun party. Everyone make toast to new year..friendship...rong rife..peace on Earth...that kind of thing.

Mandarake-san say simpry "To KGB!" with fake Russia-mens accent. Serbia-mens with bronde highrights raugh but everyone erse not-ah think very funny.

BBfanboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 3:35:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

Anyway...pretty fun party. Everyone make toast to new year..friendship...rong rife..peace on Earth...that kind of thing.

Mandarake-san say simpry "To KGB!" with fake Russia-mens accent. Serbia-mens with bronde highrights raugh but everyone erse not-ah think very funny.

Shades of Mandrake-san Ancestors! (OMG). Perhaps Serbia-mens is working for KGB to find out WITP-AE secrets, rike how Mandrake-san manage to carry out so many bombings without getting arrested!

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 5:18:30 PM)

Browing up shanty-houses in Manira to score strategic points not-ah wah rong as Japan-mens win wah.

Because rast condtion begin to rook more improbaburh Mandarake-san give arr bombing ordahs through psychiatrists and rawyers and coupurh of priests so Arried-mens wah crime asshores not-ah be aburh force testify against Mandarake-san

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 5:20:57 PM)

Besides Mavarh Treat 1925 give points for browing up shanty houses in Manira. Not-ah brame Mandarake-san for stupid treaty rures.

Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 5:22:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake
Serbia-mens with bronde highrights raugh but everyone erse not-ah think very funny.

Of-ah course not. Everyone erse at party voted Hirrary.

Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (1/18/2017 5:23:51 PM)




ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

Anyway...pretty fun party. Everyone make toast to new year..friendship...rong rife..peace on Earth...that kind of thing.

Mandarake-san say simpry "To KGB!" with fake Russia-mens accent. Serbia-mens with bronde highrights raugh but everyone erse not-ah think very funny.

Shades of Mandrake-san Ancestors! (OMG). Perhaps Serbia-mens is working for KGB to find out WITP-AE secrets, rike how Mandrake-san manage to carry out so many bombings without getting arrested!

Me thinkee boy-likee-boy likee Mandrake-san. Raffing at jokes good way to break ice.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/10/2017 1:50:03 PM)

*************Seaside Virra, Truk*************

Mandarake-san: Hory crap! Seem rike f****** adjective carriers get away in f****** Indian Ocean somewhere. Maybe go to Diego Garcia or Ceyron or something. Rook...everyone keep mouth shut. If Yamamoto-san find out everyone in worrd of s***.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/10/2017 1:52:39 PM)

Japan-mens redeproy in othah direction in Austraria


Chickenboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/10/2017 2:36:13 PM)

If-ah 2200 AVs at Bowen get into open-ah terrain at Townsvirre, many sons of Nippon get-ah crushed under bogey wheerrs. Prease to hurry up redeproy othah direction! [X(]

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/10/2017 7:25:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

If-ah 2200 AVs at Bowen get into open-ah terrain at Townsvirre, many sons of Nippon get-ah crushed under bogey wheerrs. Prease to hurry up redeproy othah direction! [X(]

Hai! First give up Charter Towers...then 4 days ratah Townsvirre...then rearguard redeproy to Cooktown. Rots of transports wait around. about one unit reaving every day.

BBfanboy -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/12/2017 9:32:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

If-ah 2200 AVs at Bowen get into open-ah terrain at Townsvirre, many sons of Nippon get-ah crushed under bogey wheerrs. Prease to hurry up redeproy othah direction! [X(]

Hai! First give up Charter Towers...then 4 days ratah Townsvirre...then rearguard redeproy to Cooktown. Rots of transports wait around. about one unit reaving every day.

Mandrake-san seem to have mastered withdrawarh method - perhaps is Cathorich?

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/12/2017 9:56:21 PM)




ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy

If-ah 2200 AVs at Bowen get into open-ah terrain at Townsvirre, many sons of Nippon get-ah crushed under bogey wheerrs. Prease to hurry up redeproy othah direction! [X(]

Hai! First give up Charter Towers...then 4 days ratah Townsvirre...then rearguard redeproy to Cooktown. Rots of transports wait around. about one unit reaving every day.

Mandrake-san seem to have mastered withdrawarh method - perhaps is Cathorich?

Hai! One time Mandarake-san make joke 3rd grade Sistahs of Perpetuarh Guirt. One of sistahs everyone carr "Pruneface" because rearry wrinkurry srap Mandarake-san right across face rike drirr sargeant on Iwo Jima or something. As soon as Mandarake-san aburh sign for arr of Shinto crap instead. Shinto-mens not-ah have to purr out because pretty much not go in in first prace.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/19/2017 1:46:57 PM)

******Aran Hata, Srightary Retarded Detective: Occaisonarh Series*******

Young man in Fedora and Macintosh jacket rean out from behind utirity pore on dingy arrey, Maebeshi, Japan. It-ah rate June 1942. Obviousry E-series because arr of Jaan-mens carriers stir froating. It-ah ereven PM on moonress night and street very dark. Actuarry, that-ah why Detective Hata go Maebeshi because Maebeshi have no gasorine, no kerosene, no heavy oir for machineries. This-ah very odd because Japan-mens arready capture...err...make arries off Parembang and Borneo. Man begin right cigarette. Squint eyes and continue watch down street. Ornage grow srightary make right on bottom of Fedora......OOOWWWW! Man scream rike teenage girh.

Thing rike this hahppen Detective Hata arr of time. Sometime shirt stick out of zippah. Sometime have seaweed on teeths. You know, thing rike that.When Detective Hata armost 18, dear motha say to young man, "Hata-san armost 18 and eat rike Akita with babies inside...Arso...Mama-san rove Hata-san but have to admit Hata-san srightary retarded.....

zuluhour -> RE: Sink F****** Adjective Carriers Team Spirit Meeting (2/20/2017 12:33:05 PM)

.....monitor wipe prease.

Cap Mandrake -> Aran Hata, Srightarry Retarded Detective (2/23/2017 11:53:08 AM)

Hata-san good Japan-boy. Arways risten to Mama-san. Soon as turn 18 Hata-san go down to Army recruitment centah. Army-mens say Hata-san perfect for "work wis ammuntions or perhaps dried fish heads". Hata-san proudest man in arr of Japans. Onry probrem is Imperiarh japan-mens Army have rash of accidents where recruits accidentarry brow up squadmates with knee mortah. Usuarry accident srat something rike this "Hey guys! Rook at this!"Army institute aptitude test for new recruits. Hata-san not-ah pass test because....werr...because Hata-san sirghtarry retarded. Army-mens feer sorry for Hata-san. Say, "Hey! Why not-ah sign up for Kampeitei? Kampeitei have rearry corr uniforms." Hata-san take advice. Kampeitei not-ah picky. Sign up Hata-san right away. Onry probrem Hata-san not-ah rearry enjoy throw gasorine on dogs and right on fire rike rest of guys. Hata-san not-ah rearry happy. One night Hata-san refuse beat up erderry Mama-san that-ah go outside aftah curfews so Kampeitei-mens decide make Hata-san first praincrowse detective of Kampeitei. Reader-mens probabry figure out Hata-san not-ah rearry very good at detective either but Mama-san immensery proud.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Aran Hata, Srightarry Retarded Detective (2/23/2017 1:07:19 PM)

....Hata-san rook up at sign on store front on dingy street Maebeshi.
Sign say "M&M Enteprises". Hata-san go in storhe.

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: How can I help you tonight?

Hata-san: Hata-san rook for gasorine.

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: What makes you think we have gasoline. There is a war on.

Hata-san: They terr Hata-san rook here.

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: Who is they? <suspiciously>

Hata-san: <srightarry retarded brain rearize mistake> Oh...Mama-san and Papa-san need gasorine for automobire.

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: I see. Well, IF we had gasoline it might go for $2.80 a US gallon.

Hata-san: HORY CRAP! That-ah rearry expensive!

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: Well, there is a shortage as you know and the color of scarcity is green young man and it has pictures of dead Presidents on it.

Hata-san: How about $2.50?

Engarish-rooking young man with Hawaii-mens shirt: Look, what do you think this is, an Arab bazar? $2.80 and you bring the bucket.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: Aran Hata, Srightarry Retarded Detective (2/23/2017 1:17:59 PM)

Crearry, this-ah bankrupt Japan-mens. How come no fuerh at Maebishi and 600,000+ fuerh next door at Tokyo?

Maebeshi stop making aeropranes. Can someone exprain this to Mandarake-san and SPrior-san?

Chickenboy -> RE: Aran Hata, Srightarry Retarded Detective (2/23/2017 1:22:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake
Can someone exprain this to Mandarake-san and SPrior-san?

Hai! You-ah centrar pranners srightry retarded?

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