Seminole -> RE: ultradave vs scout1, '43-'45 Campaign June 1944 (Turn 54) (3/19/2015 1:35:42 PM)
As a note - the East Front movement is only done on the first turn of a month - so it does not move during the turns in between. I am not sure if you can 'game' that or not (as in take out on the first turn after the calculation, use the units as needed, and then send unit back on the last turn of the month so they are there for the next calculation). Because it costs AP to move each way, and the time to position, I don't think that is much of a concern. It's just interesting to see what looks like no difference to this point on the East Front line when he's taken something like 60 divisions from there relative to its OoB at the start in '43. By way of comparison, at D-Day the WA have something like 19 Arm Div, 4 Mot Div, and 44 Inf Div on the entire map...