Peltonx -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/20/2015 9:41:29 AM)
ORIGINAL: Mehring 2) What in the heck is cpt flam doing in AGC ??? No delaying force in front of Smolensk, limited d-line on the Dnper north of Smolensk, and a scattered defense network west of Moscow. It looks quite a well considered checker board to me. Units are well placed to sap Axis MP, and I'm sure he'll have something more substantial preparing behind. 3) What in the world is Morvael doing with 9 (count them) Pz/Mot units at Odessa ??? It's a fine Black Sea resort, but in terms of a German AGS strategic landmark, pretty much in left field (a baseball idiom for us Yanks.) I'd say the attraction of such a sharp drive to the south is the potential to disrupt a great length of the Russian line, deal with Odessa early but stay close to cheesy supply source in Romania so an abrupt, fully fuelled turn east or north-east is possible. Hes to far south. He should be over river by turn 4 or 5, but his game.