Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (Full Version)

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cpt flam -> Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/15/2015 1:54:59 PM)

This time i will be russian
pictures will be after my moves
mild winter, no bonus, movement FOW
I have no pictures before turn 3
at this time mud strike in Central Russia
16 Motorised Div as been isolated


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/15/2015 1:57:37 PM)

Losses are in progression
Norwest air commander: Ionov has been arrested & executed


Callistrid -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/15/2015 2:19:52 PM)

Wow... the germAn southern open was completly interesting... and weak. Was a house rule, to not cross the Zbrunic river?

loki100 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/15/2015 2:31:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: cpt flam

This time i will be russian

good chance for you to take your revenge?

cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/16/2015 5:27:34 AM)

there is no spécial rule
turn 4 see a german rush to the coast
part of 27 Army is cut


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/16/2015 5:31:38 AM)

we are actually in september
in the center, no possibility to defend Vitebsk
losses for the moment are 52k vs 920k (650k captured)


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/16/2015 5:36:47 AM)

Proskurov hold one more week
about air war they loss nearly hundred planes for 4 400
we have a lot more than them and use is loved by ground units


sillyflower -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/16/2015 8:14:19 PM)

The miracle is not that Morvael plays well, but that he has time to play at all.

cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 9:13:03 AM)

T5 17-07-41
In the north the 2 Panzer Korps are along the Plyussa
His infantry reach the Velikaya


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 9:16:18 AM)

Center Vitebsk was an open city
Motorized units reach Smolensk after some fighting
I am currently disbanding SAD base (some by turn) to don't get surprise later


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 9:19:41 AM)

In the south, less bad
again two hexes before Vinnitsa
Para corp will defend Odessa
Weather forecast is MUD in South russia [:D]


loki100 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 10:20:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: cpt flam

Para corp will defend Odessa


as in the comments above, amazed that Morvael has any time to actually play.

about Odessa, why not do a proper stay behind force of 3 divisions? Its pretty safe (if they rout they arrive in the Crimea) and seems to really throw some axis players as they either have to divert German infantry down there or let it sit behind their lines tieing down Romanian formations.

chaos45 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 12:14:14 PM)

My feelings on Odessa is its not worth tying down Soviet Divisions to hold this early in the game. T4/5/6 when Odessa is threatened the soviets are short divisions in spots along the line and it doesnt really delay much other than some Romanians odds are so better to have those 3 divisions to use as a screen/delaying action further in the south.

Also I dont think industry will be a concern due to the slower German advance so you can most likely pull the inudstry from odessa then have your forces run for it.

loki100 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 3:37:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: chaos45

My feelings on Odessa is its not worth tying down Soviet Divisions to hold this early in the game. T4/5/6 when Odessa is threatened the soviets are short divisions in spots along the line and it doesnt really delay much other than some Romanians odds are so better to have those 3 divisions to use as a screen/delaying action further in the south.

Also I dont think industry will be a concern due to the slower German advance so you can most likely pull the inudstry from odessa then have your forces run for it.

well that is one of the delights of the game ... different strategies and different appreciation of what works.

The potential is to use 3 pretty normal rifle divisions (that in the field would have 2-3 cv) left in Odessa to either tie down a lot of Romanians or force a diversion of German divisions.

My current view (which as ever will probably change) is the potential trade off is substantial, especially as Odessa sits on a pretty useful rail line. Also even with the old port supply exploit ended, longer you hold Odessa, longer before the Axis can use it as a supply base?

I recall an older post from Pelton where he stated he didn't care if someone did this as it was easy to deal with but that was a fair few patches back. So, as ever, its a case of test and learn - or something to do every now and then.

cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 4:54:10 PM)

Actually with the ZoC exerted by the Panzers
i had not much choice
HQ 2 hexes away is their command with a rifle div.
they could just leave the zone [&o]

Peltonx -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 6:26:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: loki100


ORIGINAL: cpt flam

Para corp will defend Odessa


as in the comments above, amazed that Morvael has any time to actually play.

about Odessa, why not do a proper stay behind force of 3 divisions? Its pretty safe (if they rout they arrive in the Crimea) and seems to really throw some axis players as they either have to divert German infantry down there or let it sit behind their lines tieing down Romanian formations.

You leave a hex under Russian control or bomb port closed and they surrended.

HITMAN202 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 6:39:34 PM)

Three strange developments in this AAR.

1) Morvael's push north of Lake Peipus and lack of it toward Pskov - post soviet turn 5. ??? Possibility of a AGN HQBP and isolation of the screening units south of the Luga ??? Very different. cpt flame should have massed those units behind the Luga.

2) What in the heck is cpt flam doing in AGC ??? No delaying force in front of Smolensk, limited d-line on the Dnper north of Smolensk, and a scattered defense network west of Moscow. Counting Pz and Mot units in AGN and AGS, Morvael must have a ton hiding in AGC. I think fireworks may soon erupt to flam's dismay.

3) What in the world is Morvael doing with 9 (count them) Pz/Mot units at Odessa ??? It's a fine Black Sea resort, but in terms of a German AGS strategic landmark, pretty much in left field (a baseball idiom for us Yanks.)

STEF78 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 7:33:49 PM)



Three strange developments in this AAR.

1) Morvael's push north of Lake Peipus and lack of it toward Pskov - post soviet turn 5. ??? Possibility of a AGN HQBP and isolation of the screening units south of the Luga ??? Very different. cpt flame should have massed those units behind the Luga.

2) What in the heck is cpt flam doing in AGC ??? No delaying force in front of Smolensk, limited d-line on the Dnper north of Smolensk, and a scattered defense network west of Moscow. Counting Pz and Mot units in AGN and AGS, Morvael must have a ton hiding in AGC. I think fireworks may soon erupt to flam's dismay.

3) What in the world is Morvael doing with 9 (count them) Pz/Mot units at Odessa ??? It's a fine Black Sea resort, but in terms of a German AGS strategic landmark, pretty much in left field (a baseball idiom for us Yanks.)

+1, same questions for me....

the checkerboard in the center is very strange [&:]

timmyab -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 7:53:35 PM)

I think someone forgot to issue 1st pzgr with a map and a compass. "The Dnyper's that way guys" [:D]

Mehring -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/19/2015 8:51:56 PM)

2) What in the heck is cpt flam doing in AGC ??? No delaying force in front of Smolensk, limited d-line on the Dnper north of Smolensk, and a scattered defense network west of Moscow.

It looks quite a well considered checker board to me. Units are well placed to sap Axis MP, and I'm sure he'll have something more substantial preparing behind.

3) What in the world is Morvael doing with 9 (count them) Pz/Mot units at Odessa ??? It's a fine Black Sea resort, but in terms of a German AGS strategic landmark, pretty much in left field (a baseball idiom for us Yanks.)

I'd say the attraction of such a sharp drive to the south is the potential to disrupt a great length of the Russian line, deal with Odessa early but stay close to cheesy supply source in Romania so an abrupt, fully fuelled turn east or north-east is possible.

Peltonx -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/20/2015 9:41:29 AM)



2) What in the heck is cpt flam doing in AGC ??? No delaying force in front of Smolensk, limited d-line on the Dnper north of Smolensk, and a scattered defense network west of Moscow.

It looks quite a well considered checker board to me. Units are well placed to sap Axis MP, and I'm sure he'll have something more substantial preparing behind.

3) What in the world is Morvael doing with 9 (count them) Pz/Mot units at Odessa ??? It's a fine Black Sea resort, but in terms of a German AGS strategic landmark, pretty much in left field (a baseball idiom for us Yanks.)

I'd say the attraction of such a sharp drive to the south is the potential to disrupt a great length of the Russian line, deal with Odessa early but stay close to cheesy supply source in Romania so an abrupt, fully fuelled turn east or north-east is possible.

Hes to far south. He should be over river by turn 4 or 5, but his game.

cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/20/2015 2:40:39 PM)

Turn 6 24-7-41
Finns isolate 2 Rifle div in the north
Mud strike in North russia and South (forecasted)
contact made at Pskov
Again 4 HI and 3 Arm in Leningrad


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/20/2015 2:44:26 PM)

In the center
Smolensk falled
Panzer corps don't press toward Moscow
thanks to the mud


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/20/2015 2:49:10 PM)

South Vinnitsa & Odessa are holding
All Tank and Motorized units must reach the west by their owns possibility
even some infantry must make it
rail capacity must be optimised


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/27/2015 5:05:08 AM)

Turn 7 31 july 1941
in the north, Leningrad is railcut (4ARM + 3HI locked)
game of mouse & cats begin
LVI Panzerkorp is cut to feed our troops


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/27/2015 5:09:29 AM)

Pskov falled after some fight
2 panzer korps coming from the center
16 motorised division has been cut


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/27/2015 5:13:19 AM)

more panzer going south
do they want Bryansk
losse's are 100 for 1 200 kilo (830 000 captured)


cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/27/2015 5:18:47 AM)

in the south a Tank division defend Vinnitsa
Odessa has been stormed
my nightmare will begin soon with all mud possibility gone
Slovakian unit is southern


chaos45 -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (11/27/2015 12:17:27 PM)

Looks like hes making decent progress in the north and center but is far, far behind in the south. So far behind in the south that you should probably just shift southern forces to the north and retreat in front of him as none of that space matters by now if you have been pulling industry.

cpt flam -> RE: Rodina Struggle (Morvael vs Cpt Flam) (12/3/2015 3:14:27 PM)

T8 August 7, 41
I have problem to clear factories
this time 8 Army has been relived
LVI PzKorps is "isolated"


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