topeverest -> review of Issues (9/1/2017 11:52:26 PM)
So, as I move on in this second attempt to play WITE, more of my NOOB Russian mistakes have been revealed. Each has to be corrected. 1. I misinterpreted the number of command points Russian armies get. The mistake is a cumulative 181 command points overages, requiring me to build another ten-ish armies, reoarganize, and build more support units. DRADT! 2. combat continues to shock units from their command boundaries. I tend to be poor in this regard, as any can see. I don't seem to have the discipline to keep the troops together by army. (in places I do) 3. I did not build enough infantry guard corps, and I don't have immediate AP's to make them given my other mistakes 4. I have not pulled my strongest units to build guards armies / centralize strength I am sure there are other major errors, but I haven't uncovered them yet.