TheElf -> RE: Soviets Activated.... (11/29/2017 1:15:56 AM)
ORIGINAL: Lowpe quote:
ORIGINAL: TheElf quote:
ORIGINAL: Lowpe quote:
ORIGINAL: TheElf Lowpe, facsinating AAR. First time I've all the way through one in a day in years... One question. Given the unique circumstances around Palembang, why have you not focused your Rikko units in the SRA to counter his resupply and reinforcement plans? It seems that is one aspect of your game that is missing. Even with the strength he has shown in Air Power to date, it seems an early Rikko scourge with good supply and appropriate HQs would have helped tremendously especially with his US Carriers out of the picture. Anyway, keep it up. I can't wait to see how your R/D program pans out in Russia, and with the Heavies. Good luck! ~Elf Honored., can't tell you how many times I have searched the forum for your posts concerning the air war. Unfortunately, my opponent has too. I just haven't had the fighters present to really go wild with them. Probably a mistake. When you make a mistake as Japan it keeps biting you for the rest of the game. I didn't do a Mersing gambit, I didn't build Oscar Ic and Zero, I didn't r&d Rufe heavily, totally unprepared for war with get the picture. It has all come back to hurt Japan. In the early offing when you'd already sunk his two carriers it would have been an ideal time. Especially before he was able to reinforce his bases aurrounding Palembang though, I'd have run and Air Op from any base I could stage out of south of Singers where I could manage torpedoes. Extra fighters be damned. The Rikkos often operated without the luxury of escort owing to the long ranges they were required to fly. In the early war (first 6 mos) the Rikko scourge is an ideal deterrent to reinforcing Singers by sea or any effort to play with your Surface toys. It may not be too late. The way I see it the alternative is to lose the war. Even if at the end of "Operation Xmas Elf" if your Rikko Units are decimated the risk might be worth the reward in terms of allied Ships sunk or Singers cut off. With Russia active you need to bring a swift halt to his efforts in the SRA and send a strong message that any messing about will garner a steep cost to him. Just out of curiousity how healthy are your Rikkos and what airfiled might you be able to use to lock him down? If you are worried about his CAP at surrounding fields and your Fighter force is stretched too thin, you could bound your Naval search to areas that wouldn't include heavy CAPs and restrict your Rikkos range so they don't ventrue to far toward a heavily CAP'd base hex. Just my thoughts...anyone else can weigh in. I have a little over three hundred on Malaya from Victoria Point south to Kuantan. 36 at Bihoro, and 2 at Truk. I'd start using them. You are trading Naval blows with an opponent who seems very willing to play the attrition game with you. In order to defeat that, you need to inflict heavy losses on his Naval forces in the region that are unsustainable in the short to mid-term. You started that process with the sinking of his carriers. Then you got distracted by the Russian gambit. That is important, but it isn't something you can make go away any time soon if ever. Alfred has already analyzed the Front-loading of Russian Air Strength and I agree. Obvert is going all out on oyou on two fronts and it hurts. Concentrate on one thing at a time. You still have Numerical and qualitative superiority, its just diluted across multiple efforts. Consolidate, refocus on short and long term goals and then surge your operations in support of those goals to accomplish the given task. In the case of the Naval Strategy in the SRA, you absoluetley need to make use of your Aerial torpedoes and hammer him relentlessly, but carefully. The Rikkos are Fragile, but you have the tools to be use them like a scalpel rather than a area effect weapon. The time for an Area affect weapon is over, now that his Air Power in the SRA is building. Start with establishing one level 4 AF with at least one Rikko unit that can sortie at will with torpedoes. Provide them effective escort if you can, but only use them if you are confident that you've either tamped his CAP down enough, or you restricted their operations to an area where his CAP is weak on not present at all. If you can effect multiple axis of attack, and a daily rotation of units such that Attrition and Fatigue can be mitigated do so. Air Ops can't always be daily. Down time, rest, recuperation, build up of forces for an operation with specific objectives are as important as aggression and effective employment to inflict losses. I think Obvert would be really surprised and dismayed if you manage an effective Rikko scourge at this point in the game as he has really hung his ass out there from a naval standpoint.