STEF78 -> Summer 1942 (9/28/2017 7:35:50 PM)
Here we are, the summer campaign is ended and here is the moment to assess the situation of this decisive summer. Main report: the war is lost! Gradually the initiative is going to hand on to the Russian player and nothing can invert the course of the war. Second point: This summer campaign is only partially successfull, I prove to be unable to destroy the russian army but I created a buffer which will be exchanged against time from late 1943 to 1945. The beginning of the campaign was done on a high tempo and I achieved several success but as soon as my pzd/mot were too far away I was unable to sustain the rythm of progress. I also made at least 2 mistakes: - I lost 2 turns with 10 pzd/mot without fuel east of Grozny. Thus I lost my little opportunity to take Baku. Some of my transports were left stupidly around Moscow... - I overestimated the ability of my mountain units to cross the Caucasus mountains. Supply is unefficient though the mountains and my Jager lost their efficiency when they reached the russian line of defence. I also had to let some pzd/mot around Saratov as Stelteck was very strong in this area. On the other side, I cleared most of the black sea coast and took Stalingrad, Grozny, Rostov, Tambov, Tuapse. Stelteck did a good defence in the South but with rifle corps, he would have kept Tuapse without problem. As russian, I would have more fought to hold Stalingrad. And due to the loss of mapower centers, russian OOB is still under 7M men. Now, I feel like an accountant. russian army is now too strong to be defeated so I have to prepare for the bad time to come. I will try to shorten my line of defence and be on the offensive as long as possible. It's not yet the beginning of the end but surely the end of the beginning! [img][/img]