Bottlenecks? Oh those bottlenecks! SierraJuliet (J) vs Mundy (A) (Full Version)

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SierraJuliet -> Bottlenecks? Oh those bottlenecks! SierraJuliet (J) vs Mundy (A) (12/1/2017 7:15:42 AM)

So here I am diving off the deep end. I hate diving. Not prone to frolicking in water too much either. I do, however, digress. Mundy has been patiently throwing a line out for some time now (… fishing. Also, not on my list of favourite past times) casting for an opponent to take him on in LargeSlowTarget's Bottlenecks Mod. Since my last game with Tocaff wrapped up I’ve been a little removed from AE. Travel is my excuse. I was thinking of getting a game up and going next year but Mundy’s persistence has won out. A little peek at what LST has offered in this Mod and it is intriguing. Reminds me of what first attracted me to Pac War… the chance to put yourself in the shoes of the great and famous and see if you could do better. This Mod looks like it will do just that. Pearl Harbour and the first up aerial attacks and beach landings of 7/8 December are hard coded in. We take over as Pearl Harbour burns and Kimmel rips off his Admiral insignia.

What is there to like about this Mod. No full Sir Robin, Fortress Palembang, Mersing Gambit, Manila Sub Slaughter or first turn deep invasions! Civilian units, blockade runners, U-Boats, Doolittle Raiders, the Thai Airforce and Navy plus lots more.

What to get used to. Slowed down ops tempo and the brakes are on for production and decreased shipping availability. No more Japanese merchant shipping sitting idle I expect. Expect to see me under the hammer straight away.

Here’s to a most intriguing MOD from LST. And thanks Mundy for taking me on.

Now to find out just what I have here and work out a plan of attack.

SierraJuliet -> Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:04:44 AM)

I do admire the detail that has gone into this MOD. Sitting offshore from Kota Bhura is xAK Awazisan Maru. Historically subject of a successful bombing attack here she is in the game aflame from end to end. She is still afloat, but her damage stats read 90 90 90 90!!!! A most thoroughly depressing find even though accurate.

BBfanboy -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 1:03:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: SierraJuliet

I do admire the detail that has gone into this MOD. Sitting offshore from Kota Bhura is xAK Awazisan Maru. Historically subject of a successful bombing attack here she is in the game aflame from end to end. She is still afloat, but her damage stats read 90 90 90 90!!!! A most thoroughly depressing find even though accurate.

Does this scenario start on Dec. 8th? When did that ship get bombed historically?
Can you provide a link to the scenario so we can read up on it?

Lowpe -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 3:14:17 PM)

This scenario is mind boggling good, but still needs polishing I think. Out of them all, I like the slower philosophy, the civilians, the gawd awful mess that is China, so much![&o]

Whole new tactics needed for rescuing civilians.[;)]

It is so cool!. I have not looked at this latest version so perhaps the polishing is done!

Mundy -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 7:42:44 PM)

BB, it does start on Dec 7, but assumes the Pearl Harbor attack has happened already, and KB is something like 10 hexes north of Hawaii. Almost Dec 8, but not quite. I'm not sure this was necessary for this game, but it is what it is. No Manila first option here...

I'm not sure how many or if SJ has any of the super-moving task forces here.

Looking forward to this. Steve's coming out as a cool guy to know.

My other attempt at this was with another Wisconsin guy and we were cranking out 5-7 turns a day before that ended. With our 16 hour time difference, I doubt that will happen here.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:00:18 PM)




ORIGINAL: SierraJuliet

I do admire the detail that has gone into this MOD. Sitting offshore from Kota Bhura is xAK Awazisan Maru. Historically subject of a successful bombing attack here she is in the game aflame from end to end. She is still afloat, but her damage stats read 90 90 90 90!!!! A most thoroughly depressing find even though accurate.

Does this scenario start on Dec. 8th? When did that ship get bombed historically?
Can you provide a link to the scenario so we can read up on it?

Have a look in Scenario Design and Modding and then look in the folder Scenarios available for WitP AE. You will find it towards the end of the Grand Campaign Scenarios. Just look for Bottlenecks in slot 49 and the link is there. I haven't added link provision in my messages to my skill base yet. :(

My understanding is that we finish off the last part of the 7 December turn with restrictions on what can fly. After this first truncated turn it will be back to business as usual as far as turns are concerned.

I would have to defer to references but I'm certain that Awazisan was the unhappy recipient of Allied presents on the morning of 8 December local time.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:05:27 PM)



This scenario is mind boggling good, but still needs polishing I think. Out of them all, I like the slower philosophy, the civilians, the gawd awful mess that is China, so much![&o]

Whole new tactics needed for rescuing civilians.[;)]

It is so cool!. I have not looked at this latest version so perhaps the polishing is done!

Trying so hard to cope with my boggled mind. There is most likely unpolished pitfalls but given the detail of this Mod they will simply become part of the interest in dealing with the altered reality of Japan's folly.

New tactics needed everywhere. I dread to contemplate just how hard this Mod will be on cranking out planes etc.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:09:59 PM)



BB, it does start on Dec 7, but assumes the Pearl Harbor attack has happened already, and KB is something like 10 hexes north of Hawaii. Almost Dec 8, but not quite. I'm not sure this was necessary for this game, but it is what it is. No Manila first option here...

I'm not sure how many or if SJ has any of the super-moving task forces here.

Looking forward to this. Steve's coming out as a cool guy to know.

My other attempt at this was with another Wisconsin guy and we were cranking out 5-7 turns a day before that ended. With our 16 hour time difference, I doubt that will happen here.

Thanks Ed. No doubt you will trade notes with Todd to work out what I am like on the battle board.

5-7 turns a day. In my dreams as I'm sure my real life would crucify me if I became so wantonly attached to this game. :)

Mundy -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:19:05 PM)

I was unemployed for 11 months, so I had time on my hands. It would be more difficult now.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Scratch one xAK (12/1/2017 8:32:30 PM)



I was unemployed for 11 months, so I had time on my hands. It would be more difficult now.

Touché. I'd take the job over cranking out turns.

SierraJuliet -> Rules (12/2/2017 8:32:32 PM)

Ed and I are thrashing out the rules. LST provides are number of optional rules which if we go with them will further reduce the speed of operations.

Can’t help but having a straight up look at KB to see how things fare after Pearl Harbour. The status of our birds and pilot numbers is below. Planes in bracket are reserve planes. Pilot numbers are in bold.

A6M2 Pilots B3A1 Pilots B5N2 Pilots

Kaga 9/5 14 5/16 21 15/7 (3)25
Soryu 9/6 (3) 18 3/13 16 15/3 18
Hiryu 12/5 (3)20 6/10 16 17/1 18
Shokaku 16/2 18 19/8 27 18/9 27
Zuikaku 16/2 18 17/9 26 20/7 27
Akagi 13/4 (3)20 2/12 14 20/7 30

108 fighter pilots, 120 dive bomber pilots and 145 torpedo bomber pilots at the ready. The planes being repaired/maintained will be ready for action tomorrow. Once the spares have been assembled every pilot has a plane. Not too shabby a force to wield. Probably something for LST to review but it appears that all carriers have a full complement of torpedoes available to them. Perhaps we stuffed the carriers to the gills with torps for the Pearl raid. As you can see KB is already below full strength. I think this is going to be difficult assignment to get KB to full strength and maintain it that way.

Screen shot attached of the damage reports from ships at Pearl Harbour. 2 battleships sunk and 2 out for a very long time.


SierraJuliet -> China (12/2/2017 8:41:44 PM)

China is quite something. There are many low value units (2 AV) clogging up the fields. Adding to the complicating factors is the necessity of maintaining a 10 AV (minimum) garrison on most every captured hex.

My early thoughts are that if I want to achieve anything in China I will have to bottle up and leave larges areas of land to the Chinese. For example, in the screen shot below, you can see that the game is already pre-loaded with Japanese units controlling all the rail hexes just outside of the blue line. For the time being I think this lot are best left to their own devices. I can’t afford to garrison all those hexes and put together a meaningful attack on some other vector. Hopefully a Chinese back water whilst I turn my attention elsewhere.


LargeSlowTarget -> RE: China (12/2/2017 10:41:36 PM)

Thank you for playtesting my mod. I'll will follow both AARs in order to pick up stuff to correct and to explain mod features when I feel it is necessary. One thing to "polish" is the torpedo availability on KB - good find, haven't thought about that.

The scenario starts on Dec 7th in the afternoon. This is to avoid ahistorical openings like the "Manila sub slaughter" which IMO is a hindsight exploit. Of course the game will digress from history, but I wanted to set the opening stage as historically accurate as possible. The war started with the PH strike, so in the game KB is where it belongs, off Hawaii, and the historical damage done since strike results in the game can vary a lot.

In China, Japan managed to hold "points and lines" - the population centres and major communication lines, but they were too weak to control the vast rural areas. My mod reflects this. The Chinese low-value units in the countryside are mostly static "civilian administration" units whose role is to prevent the auto-switching of the dots to the Japanese side - but some dots contain guerilla units which may move to block your LOCs. So watch your six!

SierraJuliet -> RE: China (12/3/2017 10:49:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

Thank you for playtesting my mod. I'll will follow both AARs in order to pick up stuff to correct and to explain mod features when I feel it is necessary. One thing to "polish" is the torpedo availability on KB - good find, haven't thought about that.

The scenario starts on Dec 7th in the afternoon. This is to avoid ahistorical openings like the "Manila sub slaughter" which IMO is a hindsight exploit. Of course the game will digress from history, but I wanted to set the opening stage as historically accurate as possible. The war started with the PH strike, so in the game KB is where it belongs, off Hawaii, and the historical damage done since strike results in the game can vary a lot.

In China, Japan managed to hold "points and lines" - the population centres and major communication lines, but they were too weak to control the vast rural areas. My mod reflects this. The Chinese low-value units in the countryside are mostly static "civilian administration" units whose role is to prevent the auto-switching of the dots to the Japanese side - but some dots contain guerilla units which may move to block your LOCs. So watch your six!

It is a privilege to do so. I hope I give it a fair showing. You should pick up heaps from dropping in on both AARs.

I think I am liking this historical start although I have a fair amount of trepidation going on as to how best protect my transports from Force Z and aerial assault. Hitting Pearl is one thing but with no option available to send a couple of carriers to cover the Malay landings I am feeling quite exposed. If Awazisan Maru is the only loss I will consider it a successful landing.

I think you have done a magnificent job of encouraging the Japanese player to play China like it was in real life. I am very quickly dispensing with any idea of controlling those vast rural areas. Holding points and lines is going to be my mantra in China. Yes my 6 is going to need plenty of watching.

SierraJuliet -> Inland Ports (12/4/2017 1:25:12 AM)

LST. After some clarification on strategic movement and inland ports. I follow that there must be an uninterrupted string of port SPS size bases existing along the intended route. And for example, if the inland port has an SPS of 3, it must be built to 3 before strategic rail movement is allowed in that hex.

So, for example if I am looking at the rail route from Shanghai to Suchow we have the following bases with ports at commencement of the game.

Shanghai 8(8)
Soochow 0(3)
Nanking 4(3)
Pukow 2(5)
Pengpu 2(5)
Huaishang 1(4)
91/48 0(3)
Suchow 0(3)

The only ports currently meeting the level required is Shanghai and Nanking. All others will have to have their port built up to their SPS before the hex can be utilized for strategic mode travel? Is my understanding of how to proceed correct.

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Inland Ports (12/4/2017 6:58:48 AM)

The concept of strings of inland ports build to SPS size before strat movemnt is allowed is valid for non-operational railways, i.e. existing lines that have been destroyed by the retreating Chinese and yet-to-be-build lines like the Burma-Thailand "Death Railway". If you use the map I have provided, you can identify them by the black-grey dotted lines.

The Shanghai - Suchow RR has been in Japanese hands for a long time and is considered repaired and operational, so you can use it without building ports. The port SPS size on operational lines is there to give the option to raise the supply cap by simulating the construction of improvements on the line which increase capacity, like double track or additional sidings, switching yards, upgrading the track, signaling devices etc. - if you chose to invest the construction engineers and supplies necessary.

EDIT: Note that there are no bridges between Nanking and Pukow (first Nanking-Yangtze bridge was build in the 1960s) and between Pengpu and Huaishang (flood area of the re-routed Yellow river), so strat movement needs to be interrupted and the rivers crossed in movement mode, simulation ferry operations.

EDIT2: Note on the screenshot the darker blue color of the Yangtze and part of the Pearl river - these stretches of rivers are navigable by small crafts like the sampans, junks and gun boats both sides have. Ocean-going vessel up to 15k tons can reach Hankow. Might help with supplying front bases like Ichang and Nanchang.
On a side note, I think with some redeployment of forces, Japan can still launch a limited offensive in China, for example against Changsha.


SierraJuliet -> RE: Inland Ports (12/4/2017 12:13:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

The concept of strings of inland ports build to SPS size before strat movemnt is allowed is valid for non-operational railways, i.e. existing lines that have been destroyed by the retreating Chinese and yet-to-be-build lines like the Burma-Thailand "Death Railway". If you use the map I have provided, you can identify them by the black-grey dotted lines.

The Shanghai - Suchow RR has been in Japanese hands for a long time and is considered repaired and operational, so you can use it without building ports. The port SPS size on operational lines is there to give the option to raise the supply cap by simulating the construction of improvements on the line which increase capacity, like double track or additional sidings, switching yards, upgrading the track, signaling devices etc. - if you chose to invest the construction engineers and supplies necessary.

EDIT: Note that there are no bridges between Nanking and Pukow (first Nanking-Yangtze bridge was build in the 1960s) and between Pengpu and Huaishang (flood area of the re-routed Yellow river), so strat movement needs to be interrupted and the rivers crossed in movement mode, simulation ferry operations.

EDIT2: Note on the screenshot the darker blue color of the Yangtze and part of the Pearl river - these stretches of rivers are navigable by small crafts like the sampans, junks and gun boats both sides have. Ocean-going vessel up to 15k tons can reach Hankow. Might help with supplying front bases like Ichang and Nanchang.
On a side note, I think with some redeployment of forces, Japan can still launch a limited offensive in China, for example against Changsha.


Thank you so much for this update. It also answers my next question which is now obvious to me should have been my first question. That is how to load the recommended map. I went to my favourite fall back position of trial and error and got it to work. So much rejoicing going on here. Now that I have the correct map installed so much of what I read in your briefings makes so much more sense. So if I follow what your guide from above I only need to worry about building ports to SPS size in all bases on non-operational railways being the black-grey dotted lines. This is brilliant and answers a nagging question on why that line at Sian never linked up to another main line.

If I follow you correctly in relation to increasing port SPS size on operational lines this will increase the supply cap which would mean more supplies able to be accommodated due to an improved rail system.

The map does help too in identifying those broken rail connections. Looks like a major movement pain coming up with getting on and off trains. Great idea for slowing things down to what it must have been like.

I take your point on pushing supply upriver to help with offensive efforts. Ed has given me a heads up on Chinese river gunboats. Could be an interesting game within a game on these rivers.

Lowpe -> RE: Inland Ports (12/4/2017 1:25:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

The concept of strings of inland ports build to SPS size before strat movemnt is allowed is valid for non-operational railways, i.e. existing lines that have been destroyed by the retreating Chinese and yet-to-be-build lines like the Burma-Thailand "Death Railway". If you use the map I have provided, you can identify them by the black-grey dotted lines.

Great stuff![&o]

SierraJuliet -> Eggs (12/4/2017 9:59:40 PM)

I should say too if I espouse something here which is total nonsense do let me know.

The monstrosity of getting a handle on all that is Japanese in this game has come home quickly. As we have a truncated first turn I am leaning towards a short round of orders followed by a lengthier session for turn 2. Some things just jump out at me, though, and say do something about this right now. One of them is attention to minefields. Japan starts out with minefields at 29 bases. If I round things out for 150 mines per ACM I will need around 54 ACMs just to cover the minefields already in existence. I hate the idea of leaving all those fields decay just because I didn’t look after them. Japan starts out with 24 ACM. A shortfall straight up of 30 ACM. The Kiso-E look like a good candidate so a bunch of them will be hitting the shipyards for immediate conversion. It will also be a good opportunity for all of them to repair damage. In this mod it is rare to find a ship not sporting any damage. Quite many ACM have system damage around 5 – 6 and some engine damage is not uncommon either.

LST has indicated that the production of mines has been bumped up in this mod. I am going to have to think on just how many more conversions to ACM I shall need as there will be more bases coming my way which will warrant a minefield or two.

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Eggs (12/4/2017 11:07:00 PM)

Well, I don't believe that all ships of all nations started the war in perfect condition, like if never used prior to Dec 7th. So I added a low random amount of sys and eng damage.

Check carefully for conversion options, I have added a lot or changed availability dates. The coastal minelayers for example can convert to ACMs.

Personally, I convert all To'su xAKL hulls to ACM, their short range makes them useless for anything else. For the same reason the Ha'chi class converts exclusively to AMc.

The longer-legged xAKL become PB escorts, the Kiso-E class escort the 10kn xAKs, the Kujira class escort the 12kn xAK and some serve as pickets, the Ansyu class escort 14kn xAKs and TKs or run self-escorted FT missions near the front. Frees-up older DDs and E types to escort the fast AKs and TKs and to form hunter-killer groups.

The short-legged Daigen class xAKL convert to AGs, which I spread along the convoy routes, so escorts can reload DCs if necessary.

Furthermore, I convert all Husimis to AV. Parked at a base which also gets one the many 8 AV air base companies, the total amount of 24 AV is perfect for supporting one resized float plane unit on ASW or naval search. Even if the AV gets sunk by a port strike for example, the float planes can still operate and evacuate thx to the ground-based AV support. They can also be effective at low naval strikes against un-CAPed transport TFs.

I temporarily convert Yusen-N, Limas and Adens to xAK-t for the initial expansion, the convert them back to haul resources.

Finally, I convert the big 16kn and 18kn xAKs of the Kyushu and Yusen-A / -S classes to AK types for moving troops to the front, or eventual counter-invasions. I tend to keeps the xAPs in the rear, they transport troops to hubs safely behind the front, where the AKs take them over

SierraJuliet -> RE: Eggs (12/4/2017 11:30:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

Well, I don't believe that all ships of all nations started the war in perfect condition, like if never used prior to Dec 7th. So I added a low random amount of sys and eng damage.

Check carefully for conversion options, I have added a lot or changed availability dates. The coastal minelayers for example can convert to ACMs.

Personally, I convert all To'su xAKL hulls to ACM, their short range makes them useless for anything else. For the same reason the Ha'chi class converts exclusively to AMc.

The longer-legged xAKL become PB escorts, the Kiso-E class escort the 10kn xAKs, the Kujira class escort the 12kn xAK and some serve as pickets, the Ansyu class escort 14kn xAKs and TKs or run self-escorted FT missions near the front. Frees-up older DDs and E types to escort the fast AKs and TKs and to form hunter-killer groups.

The short-legged Daigen class xAKL convert to AGs, which I spread along the convoy routes, so escorts can reload DCs if necessary.

Furthermore, I convert all Husimis to AV. Parked at a base which also gets one the many 8 AV air base companies, the total amount of 24 AV is perfect for supporting one resized float plane unit on ASW or naval search. Even if the AV gets sunk by a port strike for example, the float planes can still operate and evacuate thx to the ground-based AV support. They can also be effective at low naval strikes against un-CAPed transport TFs.

I temporarily convert Yusen-N, Limas and Adens to xAK-t for the initial expansion, the convert them back to haul resources.

Finally, I convert the big 16kn and 18kn xAKs of the Kyushu and Yusen-A / -S classes to AK types for moving troops to the front, or eventual counter-invasions. I tend to keeps the xAPs in the rear, they transport troops to hubs safely behind the front, where the AKs take them over

Not being critical of the damage to shipping. I like the idea. It is something that needs to be taken into account.

Thanks for your comprehensive review of shipping options. I am kind of racing in my head to work out what is to be done so we can get this thing rolling. I did see To'su already converted to ACM and was initially thinking that they would be the ones to convert. Then I saw the Kiso E and my mind went off on a tangent. To'su it is then for conversion to ACM. Haven't looked at the coastal mine-layers yet but if they can switch over to ACM I'll be doing that. I'm not ashamed to grab ideas and run with them and I like what you have laid out here for Japanese shipping. Good tip on the AGs as I am sure I never had enough or used them properly in my previous game. Great tip on floatplane support. Certainly agree with the conversions to xAK-t and subsequent conversion back to cargo transport. Your thinking on converting to AKs and the use of xAPs sounds much like the way my thinking has been developing in this area.

Thanks heaps for putting this into perspective for me.

SierraJuliet -> Eggs away from home (12/4/2017 11:32:50 PM)

Hopefully this dovetails in nicely with my previous and the comments from LST.

Moving on from laying and protecting mines to racing in, dropping them and getting out. Japan starts out with 28 Cruiser Minelayers. The biggest capacity, with 350, belongs to 4 converted Yusen N class. I wonder at the value of employing them in this role on a permanent basis. A conversion back to a cargo role sounds right to me. Thoughts?

As for Tatsumiya Maru (one of the Yusens) she is a couple of hexes off Mersing with orders to drop her 350 mines in a sea hex a couple of hexes north of Singapore. Trying to fathom if this is a good place to deposit these mines. Surely Ed will be aware of this vessel and adopt measures to avoid this hex. Then again if Force Z or something similar comes out to play a bunch of mines might be helpful in causing some damage. If it wasn’t a Yusen, I’d be more cavalier in my approach but I’m inclined to want to protect this ship rather than have her drop mines which would cause her to be too close to the British planes and warships. Any opinions on what to do with her?

The Home Islands have 4 vessels of the Hashima Class. These 4 sport Type 92 Ctrled Mines. I don’t think I have come across this type before and they appear to be the best of the Japanese bunch apart from the submarine laid mines. They have an effect of 320 and accuracy of 12 which puts them well ahead of the Type 4 and 93. The Hashima Class can only carry 6 at a time so they aren’t big on quantity. We start with 200 Type 92 Ctrled Mines in the pool and production is set at 50 so I will have to get them employed somewhere useful and hope for some decent explosions.

As is the way with the traditional Japanese start most of the cruiser minelayers are employed in invasion escort duty so they won’t be having an impact straight away.


SierraJuliet -> Clickety Clack (12/8/2017 10:00:54 AM)

The curse of the clicks has finally clacked in. Much as I want to get this first turn out there with minimal effort I keep on finding things that just can’t wait another day without orders.

To date all shipping near the Malayan beachheads has been given new orders. It may only be a half day turn but Force Z lurks, and I’ve tinkered with the composition and orders of TFs to hopefully give best protection to the seaborne troops should Z make an early foray.

All air groups that must stand down under the rules of engagement for this Mod have been stood down.

AMCs Aikoku Maru and Hokoku Maru (the pair living dangerously down in the South Pacific) have been given new orders to make for Truk via a route west of Tahiti. I consider it one of the little victories within the game if I can successfully bring them back into the fold before Allied warships find them.

KM Portland, bound for Kobe, will remain on course for Kobe albeit via an altered route.

RM Pietro Orseolo is bound for Occupied Europe. She will continue but I will be changing her route so that she now moves out to lower right map edge corner before making her way to Occupied Europe. She is currently routed to travel direct to the Occupied Europe hex which she should not be able to do. LST you may like to have a look at the projected routing for this ship and make changes as necessary.

All subs around the Hawaiian Islands have been given new orders. Could be interesting here for a bit and as days progress I shall start to shuffle them around to give subs with accumulated damage a change to get back to a port and make themselves more seaworthy. All 5 of the midget sub carriers are returning to Kwajalein. I’m planning on launching another midget sub attack early in the war.


LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/8/2017 4:28:24 PM)

Your problem with Pietro Orseolo looks like a pwhexdat issue. Do you use my pwhexdat file? What is the file creation date of the one you are using? ?

SierraJuliet -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/8/2017 9:30:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

Your problem with Pietro Orseolo looks like a pwhexdat issue. Do you use my pwhexdat file? What is the file creation date of the one you are using? ?

You are so spot on. Yes I had not used the new file. Had it there ready to drop in and update but it had not happened. So glad I spoke up and now one ship is on the correct heading. One new question and I hope this is as it should be. She now has insufficient fuel to make it to Occupied Europe. Is this as it should be? No problem to organize a top up but just want to make sure I haven't created a new problem of my own fumbling making.


LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/9/2017 8:49:43 AM)

She has insufficient fuel to go to Europe And back to Kobe. No worries, she can refuel in Europe.

SierraJuliet -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/9/2017 11:10:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: LargeSlowTarget

She has insufficient fuel to go to Europe And back to Kobe. No worries, she can refuel in Europe.

Not a problem then. I was forgetting this was for a journey there and back. Got a bit hung up on the remain on station order thinking then that the fuel was still not enough to get her there. All good then.

Have I got this right. In the production screens it costs the same to repair light industry, heavy industry, refineries and ports being 100 supply, 10 heavy industry and 10 manpower per point being repaired? Or have I managed to mess something up again.

Zecke -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/9/2017 11:12:11 AM)

I conquer brisabe[:D]

Sierra juliet¡..yes..

Zecke -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/9/2017 11:18:42 AM)

Brisabe [:@]

brisabe brisabe..[:)]

LargeSlowTarget -> RE: Clickety Clack (12/9/2017 11:21:35 AM)

Just realise she is loaded with supplies. No need to ship supplies to Europe. You ship resources to and fetch supplies from Europe, there is some LI. Unfortunately the load of a merchant ship starting in a TF is random and cannot be designated in the editor.

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