RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (Full Version)

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warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/30/2018 3:35:13 PM)

Turn 90
7th October 1943

Over 600 infantry squads lost...[:(]


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 5:31:02 AM)

Turn 91
8th October 1943

With me unable to move the remains of my division off shore the Axis bound the hapless infantry.

North of San Marco I manage to force the German battalion back but cost in doing so is high once again. The Germans are clearly here in force and determined to stay....


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 5:56:17 AM)

Turn 92
9th October 1943

Really heavy barrages from the Germans this turn. I am in a good deal of trouble here.

My engineers have really let me down too in the last couple of turns too. I need them to get repairing quicker. Even now the bridge southeast of San Marco remains down.....

I also decide that amphibious assaults are a costly waste of time at the moment. I have limited to no intelligence on what the Germans have and so any assault is just pot luck. I therefore decide to bring the 1st Armoured and 34th Infantry divisions up to the front. 36th Division will continue to hold the coast road (and will advance when the bridges are repaired in order to put pressure on the German defences). 3rd Infantry will join 45th Division in trying to force the rear of the German line - meanwhile the new arrivals will try and head up the central valley.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 6:34:27 AM)

Turn 92
9th October 1943

There are two rounds of bombardments this turn, sandwiched between two attacks - one by the Americans and one by the British. Both succeed in forcing the enemy back but I would imagine the loss rates in these frontal slogs are unsustainable for the Allies.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 10:25:30 AM)

Turn 93 - Axis Turn (in real time)
10th October 1943

Not too clear what is happening from where the screen is but it looks like the panzers in the central valley have withdrawn a hex or two but there are still reinforcements coming down the coastal road.

There are just a couple of bombardments - both against the British. God alone knows what sort of weaponry the Germans have in the port hex directly north of 5th Division. This caused huge grief last turn and this is no different 44 infantry squads, 5 tanks and 61 artillery pieces - and that is just the first bombardment?!?!? The second is not quite as bad but still costs another 17 infantry squads, 14 artillery pieces and 3 tanks.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 10:36:30 AM)

Turn 93
10th October 1943

I get some reinforcements but it looks like more duplicate divisions nonsense. There is a second US 1st Armoured Division. The names of the regiments are different - referring to CCA, B and R - but this is definitely a duplicate of the division already in the game. I will send this to the ghost division car park in the mountains along with the two British divisions. Very disappointing [:@].

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 11:03:27 AM)

Turn 93
10th October 1943

With one round to go, further progress has been made by both the Americans in the north and an Anglo-American attack to the south. Meanwhile the 15th Regiment of 3rd Division are pushing north to try and outflank the Germans in the mountains.

The final round of the turn will see the US 45th and attached 5th Army assets try once again to dislodge the enemy from the road....

Sadly an infantry regiment maintained position. That was a real shame, if the British had had enough movement points to the south and that attack had worked, then those Germans in the mountains would be on their way to be surrounded (depending on what else devoncop has behind).


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 3:02:35 PM)

Turn 94 - Axis Turn
11th October 1943

Damn I didn't get a shot of the turn. I think there were 4 bombardments but I don't know who against.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 3:04:56 PM)

Turn 94
11th October 1943

The 1st Armoured Division push on up the central valley, while on their left flank the 3rd Division start to move into the mountains - seemingly behind the forward defenders (but I suspect devoncop has a surprise or two waiting).... This allows additional reconnaissance and I get to see what is waiting even if I manage to get through this initial lot!

Movement is hard-going meaning that there are few chances to get attacks in.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 3:37:01 PM)

Turn 94
11th October 1943

In the next round of attacks the US 45th Division and British 8th Army assets manage to push the defenders back further - but sadly a lack of movement allowance means that there will be no surrounding of the enemy....


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 6:06:02 PM)

Turn 95
12th October 1943

The Germans have seen enough and begin to conduct a planned withdrawal. Sadly only one of their units was engaged. There are still significant forces left to deal with too.....

Five attacks are planned.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (3/31/2018 6:11:56 PM)

Turn 95
12th October 1943

.....four of these are successful. Once again though the movement allowance runs out long before the end of the turn.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/1/2018 9:06:53 AM)

Turn 96
13th October 1943

Nothing from the Axis this turn - devoncop's obviously sent almost all his artillery north. The one bombardment produced no results.

The bridge and rail repair is going very slowly in the east which is annoying as there is a whole division that needs to be on the move to help those to the west. I begin moving the 36th Division anyway and hope the engineers get their act together soon....

If I had a brain I'd be dangerous. I've just realised I left a whole tank regiment at Catanzaro.... nice one.

As for the turn well a US tank battalion was in danger of being cut off but a British/Indian force managed to force its way through to their Allies.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/1/2018 11:10:52 AM)

Turn 97 - Axis Turn
14th October 1943

The Germans along the coast seek to get away and it seems largely succeed - only one unit is engaged.

There are then 5 bombardments. The 1st Armoured Division come under attack in the mountains but the losses are small.

On the east coast the 36th Division are met by a hail of shells and lose half their howitzers in just one bombardment.

A second barrage sees the howitzers reduced by another quarter - although at least this time there is some counter-battery fire that at least costs the enemy some casualties

A third barrage sees the howitzers reduced by yet another 25% in a shocking display of accuracy [8|] Once again there is at least the small consolation of some counter fire, but the losses to the American division have been pretty bad.

The last attack is on the west coast where the Luftwaffe try and attack the newly arrived Indian 8th Division. Losses are heavy once again but the German air force suffers too. 172 fighters escort 216 bombers and are intercepted by 1,097 allied fighters. The Allies lose 77 (16 destroyed) but the Luftwaffe lose 148 (44 destroyed)

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/1/2018 11:38:47 AM)

Turn 97
14th October 1943

I haven't got the details from this turn but things are looking decidedly worrying. The 1st Armoured in the centre and 36th Infantry on the east coast have run into a brick wall - a brick wall with artillery.

The German units on the west coast are delaying the British from engaging the defence line further north.....

I am in serious danger of being counter-attacked here....

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/2/2018 12:32:13 PM)

Turn 98 - Axis and Allies Turn
15th October 1943

devoncop must have heard me as he counter-attacked [:)]

More worrying though is the battlefield nuclear weapons the Germans seems to have available on the east coast. Being a daily turn game the losses of 18%, 19% or 20% artillery were not supposed to be a feature like in CFNA, but the 36th Division are simply being crucified by whatever devoncop has there.

As for the counter-attack the British were saved by the massed aircraft that appears to have saved the 7th Armoured Brigade - at least for now.

A look at the picture confirms that there is no quick win here and the safest thing all along the front is to withdraw and re-group. In so doing two units engage and are in big trouble, while an almost surrounded, out of supply German panzer battalion manages to get away despite being assaulted from almost all sides....


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/2/2018 5:12:25 PM)

Turn 99 - Axis Turn
16th October 1943

The number of Axis units - but moreover their firepower is not something that can be overcome without a lot of firepower of my own. 36th Division has not suffered any attacks but just lost soooo much equipment to bombardment - that was some deadly shooting. They will take a while to recover I suspect.

I will continue to withdraw - but remain north of the river it took me so long to repair the bridges for - then rest, re-group and try again.


Zorch -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/2/2018 7:46:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Turn 98 - Axis and Allies Turn
15th October 1943

devoncop must have heard me as he counter-attacked [:)]

Ah! I knew it! He's Cheating!

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/5/2018 4:43:34 AM)

Turn 100 - Axis Turn
17th October 1943

Not much to write home about. The Axis made four bombardments but the losses were in single digits this time.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/5/2018 4:47:52 AM)

Turn 100
17th October 1943

Note to self. If playing this scenario again as the Allies then don't bother mending the rail lines on Sicily after the island is taken. US reinforcements seem to be appearing on the mainland now....

The turn is spent reorganising the forces that get mixed up during battle. I order 6 bombardments just to let devoncop know I'm still around.

The reorganising will probably take 1 or perhaps two more turns and then its a case of concentrating all available artillery and air power onto specific hexes to try and weaken the enemy before trying to advance once again.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/6/2018 6:32:16 AM)

Turn 101 - Axis Turn
18th October 1943

There were two attacks - an attack on an airfield on the east coast and a bombardment mission on the opposite side of the peninsular.

The airfield attack was a huge undertaking with 162 bombers being escorted by 273 fighters. No less than 1,143 Allied fighters took to the skies to defend the airbase. The Germans lost 131 (29 destroyed) mostly fighter escorts. The CW lost a similar number despite the massive air superiority - 126 lost (24 destroyed).

The second attack was a failure. 175 unescorted bombers took part and 63 were lost (14 destroyed), courtesy of 332 intercepting Allied fighters.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/6/2018 6:20:59 PM)

Turn 101
18th October 1943

With the Luftwaffe having taken a bit of a pounding I though I'd try moving into Sardinia. Unfortunately I couldn't land and I've no idea why.... the airborne drop worked though

Let's hope the Luftwaffe haven't recovered....


hingram -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/6/2018 7:41:15 PM)

Off the top of my head.
Try attacking with ignore losses or single units at a time. The other possibility is that you ran out of time in the turn although I would be surprised at that.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/6/2018 8:06:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: hingram

Off the top of my head.
Try attacking with ignore losses or single units at a time. The other possibility is that you ran out of time in the turn although I would be surprised at that.

Yes I did 'ignore losses' - although not one unit at a time. If they survive the Luftwaffe riposte I will try one unit at a time (although I haven't needed this previously).

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/7/2018 6:06:40 AM)

Turn 102
19th October 1943

Nothing much from the Germans this turn - it looks like Taranto is being reinforced though and some aircraft are being re-based - presumably to take up a more central position to be able to cover off any threat of a landing.

On Sardinia the troops of 56th Division landed without any drama this time. The units start to fan out to take the airfields and towns that my be harbouring German defenders.

At first glance there don't appear to be many (any?) bridges that require repair. Sardinia in 1943 does not appear blessed with a huge rail network!

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/7/2018 6:26:23 AM)

Turn 102
19th October 1943

The rest of the turn was spent dishing out barrages against the front line German positions. The US forces took some withering counter-battery fire which I am going to have to keep any eye on.

All bombers are now on interdiction.

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/7/2018 8:25:52 AM)

Turn 103
20th October 1943

I will try and monitor the effectiveness of my artillery.

Opposite the British sector are an Assault Gun Battalion and a Panzergrenadier Regiment.

The damage done is reasonable. I hope these are left in place next turn so I can gauge replacement rates.

The turn continues with bombardments only on the west and east coast - with one exception. A German recce detachment headed south in front of the US positions. I thought I would teach him a lesson but simply ended up losing about 3 times as many units as the Germans....


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/8/2018 9:19:03 AM)

Turn 104
21st October 1943

Not too much to report except I've tried to advance on the east coast in the teeth of the battlefield nuclear weapons the Germans seem to have there. Stooopidly I didn't take a picture of this [8|]

warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/8/2018 10:55:28 AM)

Turn 105 - Axis Turn
22nd October 1943

The Germans bring reinforcements down on the east coast but its the British that take the brunt of the bombardments - big losses in Field Guns.

Ignore the Turn 89 - this was the last turn.


warspite1 -> RE: STBP 1943-45 devoncop (Axis) vs warspite1 (CW) (4/8/2018 10:58:16 AM)

Turn 105
22nd October 1943

Interesting announcement - or at least it would be if the 4th Indian Division were in the game....[&:] I have the 8th Indian Division and that remains in place....


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