joelmar -> RE: T48 (5/23/2020 8:34:22 PM)
@HLYA Yes, I totally get your idea and that was what I thought you meant at first, I just had a doubt. First, I 100% agree that what the Soviets send down there to defend won't be available up north. But the same could also be said of the forces that you send to east Caucasus. And you need to send in a sizable force of good quality if you are serious about it. Second, ballsy as hell or not, to do that, and you mention it yourself, you need help from the Soviets, no reinforcements and no dangerous situations on your flanks. And even if Caucasus is bare of Soviet units to begin with, there is time enough to reinforce through the Caspian and dig in solidly if the Soviet so decides. Against a decided Soviet, you by example, I would expect to end up banging my head against the wall in that bottleneck leading up to Baku... and even more so without mountain divisions to create flanking threats... ;-) And if the Soviets become serious about it too, even a sizable force will soon find going harder if not impossible even against a force that is not quite as powerful, and will find itself unable to accomplish anything at all either in Baku or in Georgia. That said... if the Soviets don't care about Georgia and Baku and leave the way open? Sure, why not, it's a gift. But it's a long shot and that's why I said it's a gambit.