Encircled -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (12/29/2020 1:41:37 PM)
ORIGINAL: Lowpe Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!!![sm=happy0065.gif] We had lots of Family, and when you get to our age, the kids return home for the Holidays spending half on one side of the family and the other with their spouse's side. No grandchildren yet, but we did have a 9 month old white German Shepherd for Christmas....forget how much work a puppy is.[:)] But, now the war is back on, sent the turn out this morning...looking to make some more daring intercepts in this bloodbath of a game! Over here in the (soon to be defunct!) UK it was a very weird, socially distanced Xmas. Hoping for a much better 2021 in has to be said On the plus side though, managed to do a lot more turns in my game than normal for this time of year!