Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (1/6/2021 2:30:13 AM)
Pretty sure I will pull our fighters back to protect VP outside of Zero normal range...just don't have the pilots or the pools to spare yet, even though I have been exceedingly careful with my P40s. I will rely upon AA to protect within Zero sweep range. Have to be careful with Saratoga...Sydney is so exposed to the KB coming charging in from the east, pickets and patrols are simply not yet established and something could leak thru. Not to mention Iboats hanging around the coast...I have definitely sunk American fleet carriers off the east coast before. Still, the Saratoga is within sprinting range of potential invasion beaches, and if the KB is still off in CentPac she could provide the air coordination to really do damage. Australia is now fielding 25 Stuarts, north of Maryborough, at Cloncurry, Charleville, and Cunerdin near Perth. I want my Matildas![;)] The Australian troops north of Maryborough have gained a few points of experience, and hopefully will be able to weather a shock attack by the IJA that I expect will arrive with the appearance of the 6th Tank Rgt. [image]local://upfiles/44178/20B239EA1F3B494FA1DFFAC0FD52A260.jpg[/image]