Lowpe -> RE: Spanking Lowpe (NJP72 vs Lowpe (A)) (6/29/2021 10:43:35 PM)
ORIGINAL: ny59giants Copied from old document put out by Alfred, me thinks, on Leaders. Air Group Leaders Selecting leaders for air groups is a fairly complex task. Most aircraft can perform multiple roles, so leader selection criteria must include consideration of how the air group will be employed. · Pilot experience affects operational losses. · Air groups with morale < 50 must pass a morale test before flying an offensive mission. If the test is failed, no aircraft will fly. · Air groups flying Naval Search, ASW Patrol, or CAP must pass two morale tests before flying. Each morale test failed reduces the number of aircraft flying by 25%. · Level Bombers must pass three tests before flying an offensive mission. Each test failed reduces the number of aircraft flying by 25%: o Experience test. o Test against the leader’s Air Skill. o Morale test. · Pilot experience affects the chances to find the target in a strike mission. · Pilot experience affects air-to-air combat results. · Leader’s air skill affects results in air-to-air combat. CAP as Principle Role This includes Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, Night-Fighters, and Float-Fighters. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration – Influences the number of CAP aircraft that will fly. Influences air group morale recovery. · Air Skill – Influences the air-to-air combat results. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Offensive Missions as Principle Role (except Level Bombers) Missions include Airfield Attack, Port Attack, Naval Attack, Ground Attack, Sweep, and Recon. Air Groups include includes Fighters, Fighter-Bombers, Night-Fighters, Float-Fighters, Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bombers, Float Planes, Patrol, and Recon. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration – Influences the number of strike and patrol aircraft that will fly. Influences air group morale recovery. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · Air Skill – Influences results in air-to-air combat. · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Level Bombers with Offensive Missions as Principle Role Missions include Airfield Attack, Port Attack, Naval Attack, Ground Attack, and Recon. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration – Influences the number of strike aircraft that will fly. Influences air group morale recovery. · Air Skill – Influences the number of strike aircraft that will fly. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Patrol Missions as Principle Role Missions include Naval Search and ASW Patrol. Air Groups include Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bombers, Float Planes, level bombers, Patrol, and Recon. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration – Influences the number of patrol aircraft that will fly. Influences air group morale recovery. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · Of small import, Air Skill influences results in air-to-air combat (aircraft can be intercepted by CAP, but this is unlikely). · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Transport Missions as Principle Role Missions include Supply Transport and Troop Transport. Air Groups include Transports, Patrol, and Level Bombers. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration –Influences air group morale recovery. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · Of small import, Air Skill influences results in air-to-air combat. · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Training Mission as Principle Role This includes all air groups. Assign leader using these priorities: · Inspiration –Influences air group morale recovery. · Leadership – Influences the air group’s experience gain. · Of small import, Air Skill influences results in air-to-air combat. · No other skills or qualities have any influence. Thanks, I have it and read it. It is I believe a copy and past from original WITP although I could be wrong.[;)] There is an interplay/relationship between the skills in AE leaders, I have it as one of Alfred's greatest quotes.[:)] I will look it up for you.