RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (Full Version)

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rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/5/2008 4:42:28 AM)

I also enjoyed Barbarossa - and for those of you who haven't tried it - don't let the map orientatin throw you off - it plays very nice - and even without being able to read German - I was able to follow the Event messages - it's kinda neat seeing them in German actually. (and the briefing info is in English for us language challenged folks).

Very nice clean game.


lomyrin -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/5/2008 5:00:59 AM)

I down loaded the Barbarossa scenario but I cannot load the game, it cannot find the various grapghic details. What has to be done to make it work ?


Vorsteher -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/5/2008 5:01:33 PM)

Set the graphic files in /bin/graphic/Barbarossa/*.*
The scenario file in in /bin/scenario/*.*
Start the game.
Load scenario and you must see the scenario.


IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/5/2008 10:18:46 PM)

I found the instal to be very easy with this one.

I wonder??? looks like this scenario uses some graphics from "nick69 Real mod"... I have this mod installed in my game even though I never use it.
@Rick and Bull... Do you guys have this mod too. I wonder if having this mod is nesessary in order to play this scenario. If so it should say so in the scenario description.

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/6/2008 12:44:35 AM)



I found the instal to be very easy with this one.

I wonder??? looks like this scenario uses some graphics from "nick69 Real mod"... I have this mod installed in my game even though I never use it.
@Rick and Bull... Do you guys have this mod too. I wonder if having this mod is nesessary in order to play this scenario. If so it should say so in the scenario description.

I will recheck, but I thought I checked this on a unmodded install. I thought it carried the terrain it neeed. Ill recheck.

Lomyrin - did you unzip it so that the it unzipped to the AT/bin dirctory? And you are using the latest ziip file? not his first one?


lomyrin -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/6/2008 1:30:09 AM)

I placed the files as per Vorsteher post #93 and that solved my problem.


IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/6/2008 1:35:12 AM)

Ah good.

Thanx for the fast response Rick.[:)]

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/6/2008 9:12:11 AM)


Glad to see you got it going.


IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 12:00:26 AM)

I have started doing some test of Delyn's boardgame mod. Look's pretty cool. Takes me back some years.

I tested it on a random map. Here are the parameters I set. The game then was unable to find about 5 terrian types.


IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 12:07:06 AM)

Terrain types were

Thing is once the map was complete, all these terrian types were on it.
Some kinda glitch I think.

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 1:01:45 AM)

Ironcrom -

I beleive Delyn said he has those fixed. I also sent him a zip file with them fixed as well as having it organized to unzip in the bin directory. I imagine he got side tracked on the Third Reich project, or he's having trouble uploading to the site.


Delyn Locksmiths -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 3:41:07 PM)

Trouble uploading to the site, and the fact orange seem incapable of keeping my internet connection stable for more than about 20 minutes doesn't help. Rick, if you want to upload your fix that would be great.

BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 8:36:59 PM)

Yeah the time out seems to happen on files over 5MB. Most scenarios with different graphics will go over this. Hopefully Vic will get something sorted for this soon.

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/9/2008 9:54:15 PM)

Thanks Delyn - I"ll give it a shot. Vic has fixed us up with an alternative I can try as well.


Vorsteher -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/10/2008 11:05:55 AM)


Yeah the time out seems to happen on files over 5MB. Most scenarios with different graphics will go over this. Hopefully Vic will get something sorted for this soon.

This is really a problem.I canīt upload my updates.I must sak always some friends [&:]


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/10/2008 8:22:37 PM)

I've uploaded Delyn's boardgame mod to the approval area.

Also, I"d vote for approval. Ironcrom or Bulldog - if you would check it out and if you agree go ahead and approve?


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/10/2008 8:24:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Vorsteher


Yeah the time out seems to happen on files over 5MB. Most scenarios with different graphics will go over this. Hopefully Vic will get something sorted for this soon.

This is really a problem.I canīt upload my updates.I must sak always some friends [&:]



Vic is unhappy with the way it's working as well but can't get any relief from his provider. While I'd be glad to upload for you - you can also try the ftp approach. Since Vic made this option, I haven't had any troubles with the regular way, but when I do, I'll use ftp method.


Vorsteher -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/11/2008 10:45:10 AM)

Vic is unhappy with the way it's working as well but can't get any relief from his provider. While I'd be glad to upload for you - you can also try the ftp approach. Since Vic made this option, I haven't had any troubles with the regular way, but when I do, I'll use ftp method.
I test the option.But it don`t go.
Must i have a yahoo account ?


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/11/2008 12:57:28 PM)


I just tried connecting as well - it gave me a bad login or password error.
Vic monitors this thread and I'll send him a note as well.


Vorsteher -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/11/2008 4:03:15 PM)

go now :-))
Update is online.Some modfications in the scenario file.Halftracks for both sides.More Engineers for red army and more flak for german panzercorps.


Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/11/2008 4:19:25 PM)

sorry for the faulty ftp. it works now.

alaric318 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/15/2008 12:40:20 PM)



sorry for the faulty ftp. it works now.

thanks for the fine kind support, already have uploaded version 2 of my WaW 32 mod,

best regards,


IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/23/2008 10:29:52 PM)

Sorry for my absence gentlemen. Granpa ended up passing away last week and I had to leave town for a few days. But I'm back now.

@Rick... Thanx for your concerns Rick.

IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/31/2008 4:45:46 AM)

I vote we approve WAW v33, WAW v33c2, and Great patriotic war. All these scenarios have been on the approval list well past there time. Any remaining bugs they may have are minor and more for balance than for stability and playability.

Also boardgame mod...[:)]

BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (5/31/2008 7:41:18 PM)

Fine by me.

IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (6/4/2008 8:30:56 PM)

I vote for approval of "War at sea"

Looks like a pretty straight forward scenario to me.

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion - WaW3.2 (6/5/2008 12:15:40 AM)



I vote for approval of "War at sea"

Looks like a pretty straight forward scenario to me.

I agree, moved to approved area.


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/5/2008 12:46:16 AM)

I recommend this scenario be approved. It's flagged as Human only, and I've played through a number of turns.

The zip file for this sceanrio is now on the community site.

Very detailed campaign for East front - first year.


Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/5/2008 10:35:34 AM)

hi guys,

are you still checking for propper unzipping. if i am not mistaken the waw33 scenario is not unzipping properly.

sorry to bother you

kind reg,

Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/5/2008 10:36:31 AM)

and thanks for the great efforts so far. we got a well filled scenariobank.

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