RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (Full Version)

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rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/5/2008 9:53:31 PM)

You caught me out Vic - I have to admit, I hadn't checked WaW v33 or Altair's Waw either.

I did check Ostfront, and it unzips correctly. And War at see is a straight up pt2 file.


Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/5/2008 10:10:50 PM)

Its not a problem guys. The scenariobank is a volunteer driven thing. Just wanted to remind the one who did approve it that we also have to check for correct zipping and unpacking.

kind regards,

IRONCROM -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/6/2008 7:35:07 PM)


I have a bad habit of unzipping the scenarios on my desk top and then copying them into the necessary folders instead of unzipping them directly into the AT file.

Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/7/2008 4:16:18 AM)


consider yourselve absolved ;)
as long as somebody can put it straight i am happy.

just keep an eye on it. there are so many downloaders who just follow instructions and get confused when it does not work.

in the meantime i am hard at work to put out patch 1.17 which will bring more campaign functionality and also advanced random games.

kind regards,

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/11/2008 3:55:44 AM)

I've uploaded a repackages WaW_v33d to the community site. This only repackages Webers v33d version so that it installs properly when unzipped into the at/bin directory.

I also removed the v32 version, so that there were not multiple versions listed.


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/17/2008 7:12:25 PM)



I recommend this scenario be approved. It's flagged as Human only, and I've played through a number of turns.

The zip file for this sceanrio is now on the community site.

Very detailed campaign for East front - first year.


Bulldog or Ironcrom - have either of you had a chance to take a look at Ostfront .96? if not, I'll recheck myself and unlees I hear different, I'll approve later this week. Thanks!


BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (6/19/2008 8:24:13 PM)

I have just checked out the Ostfront scenario and what a monster it is! The amount of time and effort it must have taken to place all those units, make those factories, new icons, black and white photos. This scenario is basically GPW on sterioids. Anyone playing this must have a lot of time on their hands...and I mean a LOT of time. There is no AI so you really need to trust a human PBM player to be with you for months to come. You will grow old together with this scenario. I have only played a couple of turns against myself and I was winning too [;)]. I recommend this to anyone who has played GPW and wants more to cut their teeth on. Its only 1v1 though but do not let that detract from this great thing. The only minor things I notice (and they are minor) is when you do a ground attack with planes it literally takes every single plane from your country so you have to select them individually (there are so many, many, many units including planes) I feel this is probably due to the planes having too much range? Love the Black and white photos but the Germans one and Russian ones could have been different, but this is just a personal preference and I'm just being picky. I would dearly love to play a PBM with this scenario against someone but as each turn will probably take an hour to think about your next move I just don't have the time. A must have though for people who don't have jobs or work from home I think. You know who you are, you lurkers who view the forum every hour [:D].  

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (7/3/2008 4:00:16 AM)

I've played about 4 turns of Roman Empire v1.1. This is an interesting looking scenario - plays a bit differntly than most of the WWII scenarios I'm accustomed to.

But it's interesting - I need to re-read the description - I need to find out how to ship my troops over to the African continent. This looks like a good scenario for someone looking for something different that doesn't immediately require you to manage lots and lots of units.

I recommend we approve this. Bulldog or IronCrom - if you have a chance to take a look at this.

Good job on this Von Altair!


Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (7/11/2008 1:58:43 PM)

Hi guys,

Anybody know whats the reason Twebers Napoleon scenario is not approved yet? its been there quite a long time.

kind regards,

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (7/12/2008 2:31:25 PM)



Hi guys,

Anybody know whats the reason Twebers Napoleon scenario is not approved yet? its been there quite a long time.

kind regards,


Can't speak for the others, I recall follwoing the AAR thread for a while - but for some reason I was thinking Tweber was getting ready to release a new version - although I'm not sure anymore where I got that impression. Then I stopped following it. I think IRONCROM might be part of the multiplayer game.

AH - here it is, the last forum post from Tweber on this scenario in thread:

"Let's put this one on hold for a bit. I have fixed the supply at sea issue with coastal roads. I also started everyone one with garrisons. I need to tweak the sftypes. I would also like to allow Austria / Prussia to offer terms to France. Give me a week or so and I should have a better version out. This has been helpful feedback."


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (7/12/2008 2:37:31 PM)



I've played about 4 turns of Roman Empire v1.1. This is an interesting looking scenario - plays a bit differntly than most of the WWII scenarios I'm accustomed to.

But it's interesting - I need to re-read the description - I need to find out how to ship my troops over to the African continent. This looks like a good scenario for someone looking for something different that doesn't immediately require you to manage lots and lots of units.

I recommend we approve this. Bulldog or IronCrom - if you have a chance to take a look at this.

Good job on this Von Altair!



I went ahead and approved Roman Empire v1.1 by Altair. It brings to mind the very FIRST wargame I ever bought, The Conquerors, an SPI product I bought in 1970 -


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion Ostfront 0.96 (8/8/2008 6:19:42 AM)

Vorstehers Barbarrossa .4 version has been moved to the approved list on the community site.


rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion (8/8/2008 6:29:44 AM)

I've also looked at Grymmes adpation of T Webers Civil War. It didn't correctly unzip in the bin directory, so I repackaged and modded the Desinger tag to reflect Grymmes contribution.

It's been moved to the approved list.


Vic -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion (8/31/2008 3:21:43 PM)

Hi Rick,

Your no longer alone.

Von Altair has been recruited as a scenario approval deputee!

And BULLDOG and IRONCROM have been retired for now due to inactivity. (will get badges back when they report in again of course!)

Kind regards,

von altair -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion (9/6/2008 7:37:54 PM)

Checked out Twebers massive AT_campaign. That is 12 scenario long, very well
made and innovative campaign with a lot of challenge. I learned a lot about this one.

Scenario deserves approving as soon as it is repacked correctly. Currently it unzips
/campaign folder directly to /bin and some new players may be a bit confused
about it. Could you please fix that Tweber and re-upload it. I'll then approve it asap.

Grymme -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion (11/27/2008 8:23:23 PM)

I believe two of my scenarios are ready for checking. The wwIII scenario and the Palestine campaign. Dont know about correct packing. But atleast i have tried.

rickier65 -> RE: Scenario Approval Discussion (12/18/2008 10:15:13 PM)



I believe two of my scenarios are ready for checking. The wwIII scenario and the Palestine campaign. Dont know about correct packing. But atleast i have tried.


Sorry for the delay at looking at these. I've just played through the first turn of your latest WWIII.

Good job!

Force setups and unit pics are great!

I've moved it to the approved list. (AI works fine, but first AI turn took almost an hour on my system so I didn't play much beyond).


von altair -> Bulldogmod (12/21/2008 4:46:43 AM)

Checked Bulldogs graphical mod. Graphics looks amazing. Good work overall, well worth
approve. However you should rezip your mod. Currently it unzips /bin in /bin direction which is wrong. Since all mods should be unzipped at /bin direction you should remove that and use only /graphics, /sound and /scenarios.

Please rezip your mod correctly and let me know. I will then approve it asap.

von altair -> WWI - campaign palestine (12/21/2008 4:49:54 AM)

Checked Grymme's WWI - campaign palestine. Great graphics and fresh boardmap
feeling in it.

Approved scenario.

BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (12/26/2008 5:20:07 PM)

The graphicmod has been changed on the upload so it should be okay now.

Thanks Von Altair.

P.S. I will try to do the same mod version 2 with Nicks landscaping.

von altair -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (12/30/2008 6:01:00 AM)



The graphicmod has been changed on the upload so it should be okay now.

Thanks Von Altair.

P.S. I will try to do the same mod version 2 with Nicks landscaping.

Alright. Approved your graphicmod!

BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (1/9/2009 1:46:28 PM)

Hi guys, I've adjusted the combat screens, put some more units in and made the graphic mod compatable with Nick's Realmod2 so its an over all better visual experience.

I've left it in the scenario approval when you have some spare time.

Kind regards.

Grymme -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (1/15/2009 4:55:32 PM)

Bulldog/Altair. The Crimean Shield 1941-42 is submitted for approval. Also made some small changes in the Spanish Civil War scenario. So it needs to be approved again.

Thanks in advance.

von altair -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (2/1/2009 6:58:01 PM)



Bulldog/Altair. The Crimean Shield 1941-42 is submitted for approval. Also made some small changes in the Spanish Civil War scenario. So it needs to be approved again.

Thanks in advance.

Approved Spanish Civil War. I will look forward on the Crimean shield and few other scenarios that are waiting up there as soon as I can manage some spare time.

It is nice to see active scenario makers for this awesome game!

von altair -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (2/1/2009 6:59:43 PM)



Hi guys, I've adjusted the combat screens, put some more units in and made the graphic mod compatable with Nick's Realmod2 so its an over all better visual experience.

I've left it in the scenario approval when you have some spare time.

Kind regards.

Checked this mod and approved it. Things looks very good. Good work and keep it going!

BULLDOGINTHEUK -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (2/13/2009 1:49:56 PM)

Thanks for the approval.

Vic -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (2/13/2009 4:00:01 PM)

thanks for all the checking work Von Altair! its a great burden from my shoulders. Are you going at it alone lately or is there help?

kind regards,

rickier65 -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (2/17/2009 1:25:10 AM)

I've not been very active lately checking scenarios.


rickier65 -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (3/7/2009 6:00:54 PM)

Just approved Crimea Shield by Grymme. Nice scenario - if you haven't given it a look you should - plays fast easy to get into.


Vic -> RE: WWI - campaign palestine (3/7/2009 8:10:28 PM)

Cool Rick. Thanks for checking it out.

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