Attack of the Necromancer (Full Version)

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von altair -> Attack of the Necromancer (3/19/2009 10:55:07 PM)

Attack of the Necromancer by Nicholas3

A small scenario at first look, but there is more in it. There are
105 events giving it extra action and nice fantasy touch. Graphics
are mostly taken from other mods but this is a good scenario and
Nicholas obviously spended a lot of time on those events.

A very good scenario to those who likes a sword & magic ideology.

Approved it. Good work Nicholas, keep it going!

Tufkal2 -> RE: Attack of the Necromancer (3/20/2009 12:28:20 AM)

Many thanks von Altair for taking the time to check out my little scenario!!!
Looking back at it I know a lot of things already I would do different if I were to restart it (use a larger map for example).
Depending on interest I might do it sometime ... or maybe work on some other mod. "On ne finit pas une oeuvre, on l'abandonne."

Tufkal2 -> Achtung Invasion (10/9/2009 4:42:15 PM)

Technical issue...

Tufkal2 -> RE: Achtung Invasion (10/9/2009 4:46:33 PM)

Approved the scenario "Achtung Invasion" from GrumpyMel.
A tactical scenario matching very closely the Alllied invasion of Normandy. Interesting and assymetrical setup with the Allies starting with a large invasion force, transports, paratroops and a strong airforce and the Axis having a lot of infantry on the beaches and a strong armoured reaction force. Straightforward victory conditions with the Allies needing to secure enough territory fast enough. Plays nicely and you really need to optimize the coordination of ground, naval and air units to succeed.

Tufkal2 -> RE: Achtung Invasion (10/11/2009 7:27:35 PM)

Re-approved Grymmes WW3 scenario which had a new version with some fixes uploaded and is a nice two vs two team game.

Tufkal2 -> Scenario approval (10/11/2009 7:39:59 PM)

Thinking about which criterias should be used for approving a scenario (or for not approving). My view is the following criterias should be met before approval:
- Scenario must be bug free (i.e. no error messages should come up) and functions should work as described within the scenario.
- all graphic files referenced should be there
- the scenario should be correctly packed as outlined in the tutorial. Also no files from the original AT installation must be overwritten automatically (although I would say would be ok if there is a guide so players can do some manual changes there themselves)
- there should be at least one test game since otherwise it is not really possible to see if the scenario works
- the settings (AI and number of players etc) should be correct
- there should be at least a short introduction to the scenario and for mods which change the rules of the game drastically there should be a correspondingly longer intro

The following things would not be part of scenario approval:
- Enjoyability and taste - since this is subjective only
- Historical accuracy - since there can be both historical and ahistorical scenarios
- Balance of the scenario - since I know there are very unbalanced but great games out there

But then as always if there are other views out there please do post them....

Widell -> RE: Scenario approval (10/11/2009 8:55:05 PM)

One that may be obvious, but should perhaps be stated:
- The zip-file should un-zip correctly (and you may need to define "correctly").

Also, for the test game, not sure how you'd validate it? For the shorter scenarios, it's not a big issue, but for the more complex and complex/long, it may not be possible to validate with a single game, and to wait for many games to complete may not be feasible before approving.

My 2 cents....

Tufkal2 -> RE: Scenario approval (10/11/2009 9:41:12 PM)

As to scenario packing there is a very good tutorial which explains how to pack a scenario correctly which is here:
Recommended reading for all modders before starting to mod.

Well as to test games I think we should take the word of the scenario designer. Of course there are no guarantees everything works (which is never there) but I still think should be done.

Tufkal2 -> RE: Scenario approval (10/23/2009 6:04:57 AM)

Put some of the scenarios from the "for approval" slot back to "sandbox" since I think they each need an adaption. Sent out a mail to each scenario owner on this. If there are any questions please do mail me.

Tufkal2 -> RE: Scenario approval (2/14/2010 12:34:10 AM)

Approved the scenario "Islands-World-War-2-Hipotetical" by Alarick.
Looks like a really big slugfest: All the WWII equipment packed tightly toghether on connected islands all close to each other and ready to strike.
Uses standard unit set and graphics and is straightforward.
Two small comments to the scernario designer:
1. You are aware that by setting a strong combat bonus for each side that hits will be much more likely, right? Usually this should make combats deadlier and the attacker even stronger ...
2. The way the people-modifiers are set up national units get a bonus when fighting for their own side (which makes a lot of sense) and then they get an additional bonus if fighting their own side? E.g. units of French nationals (West) get a bonus if fighting for France and an additional bonus when fighting the USA or the British (also West) and vice versa.

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