Zovs -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/30/2010 7:07:36 PM)
To add on to jaw comment, you can rest safely knowing that the details of individual squads, guns, tanks and air (not to mention a whole variety of morale, fatigue, fuel, supplies, ammo, production, training, refit, leadership, damage, doctrine, weather, time, chance, elements, randomness and things such as these) are doing their part and in fact shut out those details and instead concentrate on operational warfare and be quite content with he results you see, hence realizing that the engine is working as it should as the results show. For me the first couple of battles where the ranged artillery is firing, and squads are dying while tanks are hiding and planes are flying was enough for me to shut down that level of detail and instead concentrate on divisional, corps and army movement within the army groups/fronts and use these tools to perform operational level combat. I also like to add support units, but am finding that the AI can auto assign these just fine to attacks or defenses as well. Likewise I am lazy and rather let the AI handle the air as well. All-in-all not doing too bad in 1944 as the Soviets (or the better side...[:)])