RE: War in the East Q&A (Full Version)

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Capt Cliff -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/30/2010 7:24:21 PM)



After reading the AARs and several other threads there is no doubt that I will be purchasing this game when it is available. My questions is how much will it cost? I have set aside$100.00 for this game. Is this a reasonable amount or could it be more?

Good question. I assume it will be priced like WitP or around $75.00. Anything nearing $100 will limit it's sales. Even $75.00 in these economic time might be too much.

I never bought WitP for $75, had issues with the game system from Uncommon Valor that were never addressed. But The Admiral edition is looking tempting.

Joel Billings -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/30/2010 8:26:31 PM)

I expect it to be under $100. It's likely to be in the WitP AE ball park as it's another monster game.

wodin -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/30/2010 11:50:34 PM)



Yes there is a lot going on "under the hood".  You can see some of it by turning up the battle reporting detail level but that can really make battles take a long time to resolve.

Any chance of a screenshot of a battle report?

The following replies to my question have made me know everything is being taken into account for me is mind blowing.
I will purchase this game no matter the cost. I begrudge paying to much for games unless they are everything I desire in a genre and this is it.

elmo3 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 12:26:21 AM)

Look through my AAR.  I'm sure there are battle reports posted there.

wodin -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 8:17:36 AM)

Oh I havent seen a detailed battle report yet only the one wih gives casualties overall...not what was happening during the battle...will check out the AAR.

Maybe I've got the wrong end of the stick....I thought you could get a battle report as the battle unfolds not just at the end with the casualties and result.

elmo3 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 10:32:16 AM)

Yes, if you set it to the higher levels of detail it will tell you more about the battle as it happens.  Those higher level shots are not in my AAR as it would involve trying to capture multiple screen shots in a short period of time and I don't have software to do that.  I'll try to post a shot or two to give you an idea of how the whole thing would look later today.

wodin -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 12:29:00 PM)



Yes, if you set it to the higher levels of detail it will tell you more about the battle as it happens.  Those higher level shots are not in my AAR as it would involve trying to capture multiple screen shots in a short period of time and I don't have software to do that.  I'll try to post a shot or two to give you an idea of how the whole thing would look later today.

Thanks very much...just what I wanted to see.

wiking62 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 12:52:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

I expect it to be under $100. It's likely to be in the WitP AE ball park as it's another monster game.

£49.99 for a digital download is a hell of a lot of money, even if it is a "monster game". This level of pricing limits the games sales in my opinion. We all understand the high level of development that goes into these games, but i think Matrix's pricing policy is on the high side. Even though i really want this game, i will not pay that much. Personally i believe £39.99 is far more realistic especially in todays depressed market conditions.

pompack -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 4:39:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: hart2412


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

I expect it to be under $100. It's likely to be in the WitP AE ball park as it's another monster game.

£49.99 for a digital download is a hell of a lot of money, even if it is a "monster game". This level of pricing limits the games sales in my opinion. We all understand the high level of development that goes into these games, but i think Matrix's pricing policy is on the high side. Even though i really want this game, i will not pay that much. Personally i believe £39.99 is far more realistic especially in todays depressed market conditions.

Yes, but the "monster game" is only part of it. If you plan to sell two million units you can afford to set a lower price than a game that will be very lucky to sell 10,000 units. I would love to be surprised by larger sales figures (if only to encourage people to create more games) but I doubt that any one will get rich from inventing/developing/marketing this game.

As to the worth of a game, I prefer to look at cost/player-hour. For example, my copy of EU III was $20.00 and I played it for somewhat less than 200 hours for a cost of $0.10/hour (and EU III is a good game; I have more than one game that cost well above $1.00/hour because the game sucked). Some years ago now [:)] I paid $75.00 for WitP and after 8000 hours I stopped even trying to keep track of playing time with a cost of less than $0.01/hour.

My message here is you have to consider more than just the cost of the game; you have to look at what you will get out of it. So to some (most) people, WitE will not be worth the price and they will not buy it. I personally would pay far more than this price and consider it a bargain; different people have different tastes and (perhaps more importantly) more time to play the game.

Capt Cliff -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 7:13:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

I expect it to be under $100. It's likely to be in the WitP AE ball park as it's another monster game.

Thanks Joel!!

Ok ... all you married guy's listen up ... double that number for chocolate, flowers and dinner for "She who must be obeyed" ... if the game is really good triple it!! That is all.[:D]

PyleDriver -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 7:24:48 PM)

The last time I took Sandra out it was 60 dollars, so go figure...And it was three hours...

latosusi -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 7:29:56 PM)


wiking62 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 8:46:48 PM)

I here what you are all saying. When Avalon Hills "The Longest Day" came out i paid £48.00 for it in about 1979/80. That was a lot of money then, but look what you got for the money, a beautiful set of map boards, thousands of counters and countless player aid cards etc. This game was truely a work of art and one which i still play today.

I pay £29.99 for each of the HPS Panzer Campaign titles (available for $39.99 to $49.99 in the States) which i consider to be reasonable value. I know that WitE is a more complex/larger game scale, but the point i am trying to make is that £49.99 is a lot of money for a digital download (£54.99 for physical shipment). I firmly believe that a keener pricing policy would see more units of this game shipped. These games are never going to sell one million units because we wargamers are a relatively small niche market. Matrix need to find the right balance, but i tend to think that their prices are on the high side in the European market. Many of my fellow wargamers have all been following this game with great interest, however to a man we have all expressed concerns about the price. I am talking of seventeen wargamers who i regulary meet and play against, which is a sizeable local group of gamers.

Anyway, at the end of the day i suppose we all make our own choice as to what we belive is good value for money.

malfid -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 8:54:34 PM)


In Australia, a mainstream retail release of an AA+ title (say, for example, Call of Duty) will set you back $99.95 AUD - or just over $90 USD. I paid $109.95 AUD for the standard edition of Dragon Age: Origins.

You may begin counting your lucky stars, now. [:'(]

(There are titles coming out for $79.95-$89.95 more recently, depending on the publisher - and we're thankful for it... That should say a lot!)

wiking62 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 9:13:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: malfid


In Australia, a mainstream retail release of an AA+ title (say, for example, Call of Duty) will set you back $99.95 AUD - or just over $90 USD. I paid $109.95 AUD for the standard edition of Dragon Age: Origins.

You may begin counting your lucky stars, now. [:'(]

(There are titles coming out for $79.95-$89.95 more recently, depending on the publisher - and we're thankful for it... That should say a lot!)

I'm currently working on a large project for Western Star in Queensland and those guys are screwing us for every dollar they can.[:)]

Perhaps the only people who make money in Oz and the game retailers![:D]

Seriously though, it looks like you get screwed the same as us over here in Europe. We pay about £49.99 for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on release, but if you shop around we can get it for about £34.99 on release.

malfid -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 9:24:58 PM)

Hey, at least it's given me an excuse to use that VISA debit card I've got stashed, around here somewhere. Amazon/digital purchases are saving me some may-jah doll-ah!

Queensland... figures! Victoria is where it's at. They still screw you for every dollar they can, though.

PyleDriver -> RE: War in the East Q&A (3/31/2010 10:43:18 PM)

Well how long ago did WitP release. Joel may slap me, but he said the price "may" be near the same. So inflation included its build in...

wodin -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 12:26:00 AM)

Hart2412...I understand what your saying however as its a niche game then you have expect a higher price (call it an exculsive game if you like). Also yes you pay £34.99 for CoD Modern Warare 2 and get what 20 hours out of it if your lucky.. A game like this one here would give you 100 hrs plus. So it is less than a pouind an hour....what other entertainment costs less than a pound an hour? The pictures cost £8 for a two hour film!

So I see it like that....if I know the game will give me on the whole less than a pound per hours worth of fun\entertainment then Im happy. I see it as good value

Blimey those who have a PS3 have to pay 49.99 for a new release no matter what sort of game it is and I'm sure many are dire. Also some people pay that price for an FPS game on a console which they finish in about 15 hours...that for me is a waste of money..

Just noticed I should have said I agree with pompack...instead of a waffle...

kfmiller41 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 3:22:32 AM)

I agree with pompack, on a cost per time played basis WITP was the cheapest game I have ever played[:D]. I guess buying it depends on your want's. This may be the last really good east front monster game to come out for a long while, and some of us are not getting any younger[8|] so I am surely going to buy it[&o]

freeboy -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 5:15:35 AM)

regarding the comment for digital vs phisical.. the designers and marketing people are not making more by selling you a dl, It costs money to support the pipeline aka dr or steam or whomever, so we are looking at an under 100$ title which in 1980 dollars would be what 55$? Heck, I remember getting a graphics card just to run the old atomic games for that much, dinner and a movie? see my point?
If it is a game you do not value, I could list a dozen lemmings from the last few years several from M, then sure, any amount is too much, but this promisses to be a GG opus, I sure hope so...

SGHunt -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 12:13:25 PM)

I see my £55 as part of my investment towards my retirement!!!! [;)]   And much better VFM than the financial instruments they try and flog us....


FM WarB -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 12:35:53 PM)

For me, the cost of a game includes the books on the topic I feel compelled to buy. My Ostfront library is rather incomplete.

wiking62 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 12:50:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: freeboy

If it is a game you do not value, I could list a dozen lemmings from the last few years several from M, then sure, any amount is too much, but this promisses to be a GG opus, I sure hope so...

My pricing comments have in part been based on previous games that i have purchased from Matrix. Paid out a lot of money for games that have just not been up to it. Despite the price issue i will probably still buy this game because it is one that i have always been hoping for, like everyone else.

I may just wait a couple weeks, post release, to see what kind of reviews it gets, however all the AAR's and additional information point to the fact that it is going to be a classic.[8D]

BigDuke66 -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 1:05:39 PM)

All this price discussion should be moved to a new thread, it doesn't realy belong in an Q & A Thread.[>:]

Capt Cliff -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/1/2010 7:06:17 PM)



All this price discussion should be moved to a new thread, it doesn't realy belong in an Q & A Thread.[>:]

I seocnd this motion! All in favor?

ComradeP -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/4/2010 12:16:45 PM)

If, for some reason, Soviet Tank divisions survive 1941, how many are needed to form a Tank Corps?

Hard Sarge -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/4/2010 12:36:02 PM)

they don't survive

Sept 41, they break down into Brigs

(i'd have to get back to you on the rest, rules, OOB keep changeing, HARD to keep up and be sure)

zbig -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/7/2010 2:44:22 AM)

Do the movement points on the counters decrease as the unit moves?

comte -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/7/2010 7:49:48 AM)

Probably been asked already but are NKVD units in the game?

Helpless -> RE: War in the East Q&A (4/7/2010 10:00:57 AM)


Probably been asked already but are NKVD units in the game?

Yes, it's been discussed before.

There are some NKVD border security regiments and some very minor amount of NKVD rifle divisions when war starts.

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