RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (Full Version)

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Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/23/2015 6:01:17 PM)

Arso pretty funny that-ah Curchirr sneak up Burma Road and take ovah China-mens. Rike Mistah Chruchirr not-ah a rittah bit busy right now. Hahahahaha.

here good joke if evah meet Mistah Churchirr. "Herro, prease to meet great commandah. How that-ah Garripori thing working out" Hahahhaha

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/23/2015 6:06:00 PM)

Even so, hard to be mad at Mistah Churchirr because pretty funny guy.

One time at party, rich fat-womans rike to eat bon bons say to Mistah Churchirr, "Sir, I berieve you are drunk"

Mistah Churchirr say, "Indeed, but in morning Churchirr-san sobah and fat-womans stir ugry" Hahahahaha.

Chickenboy -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/23/2015 7:58:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake
Most of girrs around here not-ah good idea to bring home to honored mothah.

Remme guess: They rove you rong time?

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/26/2015 4:58:48 PM)

13 year ord teenage sreepovah at Seaside Virra rast night. Tennageahs watch "Conjuring". Mandrake-san go to Cathoric
schoorh as kid before convert to Shinto-boys rerigion. Demonic possession scares crap out of Mandrake-san. Had to hide in radio room and covah ears.

One time Sistah Agnes give rots of homework ovah 3 day weekend when arr of kids want to pray basebarr or go into woods and have
rock fights (paintbarr not-ah invented yet). Mandrake-san onry in 4th grade but get idea to make sign. Sign say "Students Protest! Unfair Homework!".
Mandrake-san tape sign to wooden rurer and march back and forth at back of crass rike AFR-CIO thug. Sistah Agnes apparentry come from non-union ordah because get extremery pissed off, rike possessed by devirh. No kidding! Bring Mandrake-san up in front of crass and srap crap out Mandrake-san face. Face so crose can smerr pastrami sandwich from runch. Eyes rook back and forth with faint red grow inside. Buhhhhwww! Even now can hardry tark about. Shinto-boys not-ah have devirs. That-ah why Mandrake-san rike bettah even though seem pretty much prayers nevah work either. Especarry when praying craps.

sprior -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/26/2015 5:38:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake
Most of girrs around here not-ah good idea to bring home to honored mothah.

Remme guess: They rove you rong time?

Most not even rear girrs!

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/26/2015 6:03:57 PM)

Oz: White Devirs not-ah sit stir. 6th Austrarian Div at Maryborough get beat up by navarh bombardment so
amphibious forces at Rockhampton arready embarked for randing at Marysborough TODAY...but 2 othah divisions in wood to
NW move back to Marysborough. [:@]

Mandrake-san pretty sure this take arr of fun out of amphibious attack

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/26/2015 6:38:05 PM)

*********************Feb 28, Bridge of Hurry up and Wait Maru, Rockhampton Harbour**********

Gen. Horrii: Get off boat? That-ah crazy! Everyone just get on boat. Most men stir waiting to use powdah room.

Rear Adm. Ogata: So sorry, Generarh. That-ah ordahs. Say here, "For any compraints prease to contact Southern Freet
Consumer Ombudsman, 21 Capitar Street, Rockhampton." Need everyone off by ereven ocrock so have time to crean out crappahs and that kind of
thing. However, Impereriar Japan-mens Army-mens most wercome to use duty free shop. Have-ah nice day.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/26/2015 6:45:39 PM)

***********Southern Freet Consumer Ombudsman Office, Rockhampton, 10:45, Feb. 28************

Gen Horii: <storms into office and srams down sword stir in sheath> OK, ret my tark to idiot in charge of attack on Marysborough!

Junior Officah: <bows deepry> So, sorry, Generarh-san. Most of office go on wine country tour. Wourd Generarh rike some rice cakes and tea?

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/28/2015 4:42:01 PM)

So Mandrake-san at petroreum pump yestahday and attractive womans driving crappy Fiat in rine behind but not-ah pumping
gas. Mandrake-san wash off windows and womans rooking right at Mandrake-san. Mandrake-san check if fry open. No. Mandrake-san smire poritery and wash bird poop off door then rook up. Attractive womans stir rook right at Mandrake-san but now have bare reg and bare feet on steering wheerh.. kind of rike ad for serring arcohor or something. Rittah beads of sweat break out on forehead. OSS womans here to kidnap Mandrake-san? Gypsy car stearing ring? Just rike Mandrake-san athretic ass? Mandrake-san get more nervous and turn off pump before furr. Get in staff car rearry fast and try to get away. Fiat-womans put down regs and start driving right aftah Mandrake-san. Hory crap! Mandrake-san have to stp to ret coupurh Ronsons go by and rook in mirror and Fiat-womans rooking right in mirror.

Sweet Baby Jesus! Mandrake-san turn right. Womans turn reft. Nightmare ovah.

Mandrake-san finarry figure out Fiat-womans probabry crappy drivah and afraid to back up at pertoreum station. Either that or Itarian-mens use up arr of reverse gears on Itarian-mens tanks.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/28/2015 4:49:07 PM)

Maybe Fiat-womans smerr dead animarh smerr in Mandrake-san trunk and wonder if body inside?

BBfanboy -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/28/2015 10:06:39 PM)

Mandrake-san miss opportunity. Feet on steering where perfect time to be garrant and wash attractive womans ....front windshield. If womans find work satisfactory, might ask Mandrake-san to wash rear.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (4/28/2015 11:11:15 PM)



Mandrake-san miss opportunity. Feet on steering where perfect time to be garrant and wash attractive womans ....front windshield. If womans find work satisfactory, might ask Mandrake-san to wash rear.

Oh sure. Mandrake-san do as BBfanboy-san suggest. Fiat-womans invite Mandrake-san to go for ride on nice yacht and when get about 10 mires off shore from Rabaur USS Nautirus surface and bunch of Marines come out with Tommy guns.

zuluhour -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/1/2015 10:24:21 PM)


sprior -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 7:20:07 PM)



might ask Mandrake-san to wash rear.

Is other one fake?

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 9:11:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: sprior



might ask Mandrake-san to wash rear.

Is other one fake?

Admirar SPrior-san capture so many Engrish prisoners to work on rairroad Mandrake-san not-ah get jokes anymore. Pretty soon stop in middurh of afternoon to eat cake.

witpqs -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 9:26:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake


ORIGINAL: sprior



might ask Mandrake-san to wash rear.-> real.

Is other one fake?

Admirar SPrior-san capture so many Engrish prisoners to work on rairroad Mandrake-san not-ah get jokes anymore. Pretty soon stop in middurh of afternoon to eat cake.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:05:40 PM)

Ahhhh.............SPrior-san tarking about regs up on steering wheerh. It-ah rike where say one thing but it rearry crose to something erse so everyone raugh.

Actuarry, Mandrake-san have trouburh with course at Haha-jima schoorh of Yiddish comedy.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:31:10 PM)

Armost forget about war.

South Pacific: Arried-mens set up rearry smarr navarh base at isrand north of Funafuti, sneak up on Japan-mens CL/DD force and sink one DD but Japan-mens break some America-mens DD's. Now frying boats report transports operating singry moving NW in Samoa-Canton gap. This-ah rittah ahrd to berieve but perhaps small task force with onry few transports? Othah possibirity is somebody at Pago Pago making hash oir again.

Not-ah sure what invade? Maybe drop off engineers or aviation support mens for airprane base in one of isrands Japan-mens not-ah capture yet.

Japan-mens move Nerrs to Samoa

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:35:24 PM)

Onry thing to do is srowry eriminate arr of green-dot bases and reave one Japan-men behind on every dot base with radio. Right now Japan-mens not-ah have enough rong range froat pranes to covah everything.

Arso rook rike Arried-mens sending something to Raour Isrand to deny use by Japan-mens for seaprane base to herp isorate New Zearand.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:36:59 PM)

Northern Austraria:Battarrion of infantry rand at Wyndham aftah Japan-mens find out Austraria-mens go on wark-about

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:45:18 PM)

Brisbane Rine: 6th Aus. Div run away aftah repeated ship bombardments. 1st Aus Div. and 18th Br Div retreat to Marysborough so Japan-mens send ships to brow them up.

IJA 4th Div advances to Marysborough. 2 regiments that pranned to rand at Marysborough now driving down on road. High command decide it safer and have rower carbon footprint.

witpqs -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/5/2015 10:50:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Cap Mandrake

Ahhhh.............SPrior-san tarking about regs up on steering wheerh. It-ah rike where say one thing but it rearry crose to something erse so everyone raugh.

Actuarry, Mandrake-san have trouburh with course at Haha-jima schoorh of Yiddish comedy.

Seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet? Now on the movie channels and surprisingly good.

"He takes everything literally. That went right over his head."

"Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it."

Chickenboy -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/18/2015 3:33:16 PM)

What-ah the herr happen here? Page 2? Such dishonor! [:-]

witpqs -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/18/2015 4:38:01 PM)

Guess they have slow reflexes!

BBfanboy -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/18/2015 10:16:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs

Guess they have slow reflexes!

Your comment about "Guardians of the Garaxy" diarogue went between his regs and he threw his back out trying to catch it?

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/24/2015 10:32:16 PM)

Hory crap! That-ah rong week. Unberievaburh pire of work. Have to srow down war. Now maybe idiots in Tokyo reave Mandrake-san arone so brow things up again.

Mistah Chang just hire Mexico-mens to trim date parms. It take 2 trucks, cherry picker and coupurh of chain saws and 5 Mexico-mens but aftah arr of work Mandrake-san have to admit date parm trees rook pretty good. Even so, guy who invented date parm probabry using RSD.


Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (5/24/2015 10:39:29 PM)

Pretty good tree trimmer crew. Before trim Mandrake-san see rike 500 oak saprings sprouting out of acorns stuck n tree by woodpeckers.

Mandrake-san have theory. Woodpeckers get brain dysfunction from smashing face into tree 1000 times a day and start to forget where reave acorns. Even so woodpeckers not-ah starve to death.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (6/7/2015 2:20:18 PM)

Who put in superfruos things rike date parms? Have to hide aftah action report bettah at night.

Rot of fighting recentry in patch of ocean between Fiji and Erice Isrands...not-ah say anything on map..probabry just South Pacific.
Nevah here of Erice Isrands. That-ah your probrem. Prease to ordah map from M&M Enterprises, Cartography Division

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (6/7/2015 2:40:36 PM)

So Starker Girh decide to throw big birthday party for Mandrake-san..rive band pray songs for ord Admirarhs..
.Rorring Stones, Steppenworf, Tom Petty....Devo. Pots on head very funny..everyone raugh. Party MASH theme...PG come ovah and make downstairs bar into
Rosie's Cantina, bartendahs, martini bar...rots of Greatah Co-Prosperity Sphere decorations.

Most everyone rike decorations except Mandrake-san invite Korea-mens and Korea-womans (not-ah comfort womans)
from HQ and Korea-womans immediatery figure out Greatah Co-Prosperity Sphere decorations acturary Chinese and say "Hope you choke on Szechuan chires, ass hores".

Mandrake-san cousin who retired Air Force nurse and nevah get married (but that anothah story) raugh at Chinese writing supposed to be at MASH unit. She say "Hey, you arready rose war..hahaha"

Rots of junior officahs arso show up but-ah confused about which war MASH happen in so come as hippies or khakis and red bandana on head. Herro? That-ah actuary from "Pratoon". Revah of historicarh irriteracy amazing but aftah everyone start drinking it-ah not mattah any more.

Mandrake-san get threatened by croseted gay "decorator"..have to terr story rater.

Cap Mandrake -> RE: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere (6/7/2015 2:46:41 PM)

PG rike decorations at bar so much pretty much stay at bar most of time and drink martini. This have-ah predictaburh outcome except this time Mandrake-san have PG sreep on ord mattress instead of couch.

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