mensrea -> RE: Warhammer 40k DW:U Mod (9/17/2014 6:34:24 PM)
Japhet - The Quietude is actually one of my favorite races, not sure why, so thanks for that. Those ships look really good, where di you get them? Viggo - Thanks man. The name was used in a Richard Pryor movie, but its actually two words in Latin, mens and rea. I think the issue with the necron orbitals is this "SpaceportArmorStrengthFactor ;3.0". I will be changing that to 1.0 for the next update, and I apologize for that. Cap is right though, gravity beams will tear just about anything apart as they ignore all shields and armor. I may even have to tone those menaces down a bit. I will leave the Hrud in and also set them to playable. Hell, why not. I also wanted you guys to check this out. I am completely rebalancing races, again, or at least the minor ones. It will work according to the following system. This isn't finished yet but if anyone wants to weigh in on how it looks so far, go for it. It can only help me make it better. I.Classes A.Major Races -Major races are designed and balanced according to their lore. B.Minor Races -Minor races are designed according to a combination of lore and speculation. Minor races fall into one of three classes. 1.Tech -Tech races primary objective is to coexist or slowly expand. They are more concerned with internal affairs than wider galactic affairs and their abilities and disposition tend to up hold this philosophy. Namely, their focus on research and development and general rational caution defines them. -Tech races: Auretian, Interex, Jorgall, Kinebranch, Megarachnid, Quietude 2.Trader -Trader races range from gregarious traders to greed driven maniacs. They will seek out unions with other races, avoid war at all costs, and generally focus more on expanding their power through soft means aided by their enormous incomes. -Trader races: Diasporex, Ghassulia, Kehletai, Scythian, Stryxis, Tushepta 3.Expansionist -Expansionist races reproduce more than they think and their societies are built around acquiring more and more land and resources. They are constantly on the look out for new territory and are not afraid to fight for it. However, they tend towards leisure more than science, trading or war, and are more than willing to look for a fallow planet rather than risk lives over occupied ones. -Expansionist races: Gykon, Hrud, Lacrymole, Laer, Tarellian, Vrakk II.Legacies A.Fat -Can't use fighters -Can't do deep cover or inspire revolts -Bigger ships -Tougher troops B.Warriors Legacy -Cheap troops -Better troop transports -Immediate access to cheap military academies C.Subversive Legacy -Sensory Camoflage (cloaking component) -Better Special Ops -Immediate access to Special Ops -Immediate access to cheap intelligence academies D.Defenders Legacy -Immediate access to Planetary Defense Forces -Better Planetary Defense Forces -Immediate access to cheap planetary shields E.Spacefaring Legacy -Exotic Engine (engine component) -Exotic Vector (vector component) -Compressed Fuel Pods (fuel cell component) -Immediate access to cheap admiral academies F.Cybernetic Legacy -Cybernetic Command Node (command center component) -Immediate access to cheap science academies G.Robotics Legacy -AI Targeting System (targeting component) -Repair Drones (repair component) -Immediate access to cheap robotic troop factories H.Psyker Legacy -Psychic Amplifier (detector component) I.Resilience -Deep Space Survival Module (colonization component) -Immediate access to all planetary colonization tech J.Genetic Modification Legacy -Cloning Center (medical component) -Immediate access to double growth rate at all colonies K.Traders Legacy -Trading Complex (commerce component) -Pleasure Complex (recreation component) L.FTL Legacy -Exotic Drive (warp component) III.Disposition A.Aggressive -Aggressive races are defined by their drive to conquer. This urge manifests itself more in their behavior than their actual abilities, which vary wildly. The only thing for certain about these races is that they cannot be bargained with, reasoned with, or expected to show any restraint or mercy. They will use everything at their disposal to destroy their enemies, especially bombardment. They do not hesitate to engage in warfare, even it if means betraying allies. -Aggressive races: Dark Eldar, Eldar, Imperial, Lacrymole, Laer, Mechanoid, Megarachnid, Necron, Ork, Quietude, Scythian, Shakturi B.Passive -Passive races are either so diverse and sporadic or so keen on their own image that there are certain acts of war which they consider taboo or forbidden. They will never bombard or destroy worlds and are unlikely to start wars and much more likely to form alliances and defensive pacts. -Passive races: Diasporex, Kehletai, Stryxis, Ghassulia, Tushepta, Kinebranch C.Defensive -Defensive races do not start wars, they just aim to finish them and will use bombardment to do so. -Defensive races: Auretian, Interex, Jorgall, Tarellian, Vrakk, Gykon IV.The Numbers A.Races 1.Reproduction Rate i.Family -Machine: +10% -Eldar: +15% -Human: +25% -Mammalian: +28% -Reptilian: +35% -Insectoid: +40% -Orkish: +46% ii.Class -Major: +4% -Minor: +0% -Tech: -2% -Trader: +2% -Expansionist: +8% 2.Intelligence i.Family -Machine: 150 -Eldar: 140-150 -Human: 90-140 -Mammalian: 80-130 -Reptilian: 70-120 -Insectoid: 60-110 -Orkish: 50 ii.Class -Major: Depends on lore -Minor: +0 -Tech: +30 -Trader: +10 -Expansionist: -10 3.Aggression i.Family -Machine: 150 -Eldar: 60-150 -Human: 90-150 -Mammalian: 60-150 -Reptilian: 100-150 -Insectoid: 120-150 -Orkish: 150 ii.Class -Major: Depends on lore -Minor: +0 -Tech: +0 -Trader: +0 -Expansionist: +10 4.Caution i.Family -Machine: 150 -Eldar: 130-150 -Human: 80-150 -Mammalian: 70-140 -Reptilian: 60-130 -Insectoid: 50-120 -Orkish: 50 ii.Class -Major: Depends on lore -Minor: +0 -Tech: +30 -Trader: +10 -Expansionist: -10 5.Friendliness i.Family -Machine: 50 -Eldar: 50-100 -Human: 50-150 -Mammalian: 100-150 -Reptilian: 50-120 -Insectoid: 50-100 -Orkish: 50 ii.Class -Major: Based on lore -Minor: +20 -Tech: -10 -Trader: +30 -Expansionist: +10 6.Loyalty i.Family -Machine: 50 -Eldar: 50-120 -Human: 50-150 -Mammalian: 80-140 -Reptilian: 50-100 -Insectoid: 50-80 -Orkish: 50 ii.Class -Major: Based on lore -Minor: +20 -Tech: +0 -Trader: +30 -Expansionist: +10 7.Bonus Traits -Minor races may put up to 70 points total into the following bonus traits. Major races may put up to 200 points total. -Distributed according to major/minor, tech/trader/expansionist and aggressive/passive/defensive. -Lore should be taken into consideration when applicable. i.Ship Maintenance -Major (at least 30; at most 70) -Aggressive (at least 20; at most 50) -Expansionist -Tech (at least 10; at most 50) -Cybernetic (none) ii.Resource Extraction -Tech -Trader -Expansionist iii.War Weariness -Major (at least 30) -Aggressive -Expansionist iv.Satisfaction -Tech -Trader -Passive v.Research -Tech -Defensive vi.Espionage -Aggressive -Expansionist -Defensive vii.Trade -Trader -Expansionist -Passive 8.Ship Design -Distributed according to major/minor, tech/trader/expansionist and aggressive/passive/defensive. i.balanced -Tech -Defensive ii.agility -Trader -Passive iii.power -Aggressive iv.efficiency -Expansionist 9.Weapon Preference -Determined by overall design and availability 10.Defense Preference -Determined by overall design and availability 11.Ship size bonuses -Minor races may put up to 20 points total into the ship size bonuses. -Expansionists get 40 extra points. -Distributed according to major/minor, tech/trader/expansionist and aggressive/passive/defensive. -Points cannot exceed 50 in either category. Greater than 50 will receive larger ship tech line. -Lore should be taken into consideration when applicable. i.Civilian Ship Size -Trader -Expansionist -Passive ii.Military Ship Size -Tech -Aggressive 12.Construction Speed -Distributed according to major/minor, tech/trader/expansionist and aggressive/passive/defensive. 14.Troop Strength- 15.Victory Conditions- 16.Tourism Income- 17.Trade Income- 18.Migration Rate- 19.Regeneration Rate- A.Policy 1.Gifts- 2.Sanctions- 3.Counter Intel- 4.Espionage Thresholds- 5.Bombardment Thresholds- 6.Harassment- 7.Population Policy Same Race- 8.Population Policy Different Race- 9.Homeworld Defense Weight -Almost always .5 to 1 10.Resource Control Weight- 11.Alliance Priority- 12.Subjugation Priority- 13.Tourism Priority- 14.War Willingness- 15.Break Treaty Willingness- 16.Invasion Overkill Factor 17.Ship Battle Overkill Factor- 18.Military Flee Factor- 19.Capture Ships- 20.Capture Bases- 21.Bid On Pirate Attack- 22.Bid On Pirate Defense- 23.Enlist Military- 24.Enlist Civilian- 25.Enlist Bases-