topeverest -> Tuurn 106 June 24, 1943 (12/3/2017 1:34:01 PM)
Russians launch a large offensive in the Stalingrad area. So this is my first attempt at coordinating a big offensive, and despite turns of planning it went far away from plan. My plan was to pincer from Boguchar and Stalingrad, but I didn't quite close the pincer, and these troops will mostly get away, plus there is some damage I will take to my leading edge armor. I put my exploiting armor too far back, and that was the difference in closing the pincer. in all reality I should have tried something less aggressive, because getting across the Don against troops that had been dig in for 6 months was way tougher than I expected. Live and learn. It hasn't been a total loss, and I am across the Don. I feel like I can continue with momentum until he commits major armor, at which time, I plan to launch another offensive elsewhere. time will tell. In other news, the enemy has one major offensive in the Maikop area. They are one hex away. [image]local://upfiles/26803/5E5EC7E479864159A0D445FF1E7E649D.jpg[/image]